
  • 网络Home Automation System;AOMING
  1. 智能化小区可视对讲系统中控制网络的设计

    Design of Control Network in Visual-speaking System of Intelligent Community

  2. 基于CAN总线的可视对讲系统智能节点设计

    The Design of Intelligent Node of Visual-speaking System Based on CAN Bus

  3. 智能小区可视对讲系统设计

    Picture Intercom System Design of the Intellectual Community

  4. 可视对讲系统作为智能小区的标准配置受到越来越多的重视。

    Video intercom system as the standard configuration of intelligent building is taken more seriously .

  5. 楼宇可视对讲系统在住宅小区的安全防范中具有十分重要的作用。

    The building visual conversational system plays an important role in the security protection of residential community .

  6. 用户希望新一代可视对讲系统功能丰富、更加智能。

    People hope that the new generation of video intercom system could be more function and more intelligent .

  7. 可视对讲系统符合智能小区的安全和通信需求,为住户提供了安全、舒适的生活环境。

    Video intercom system adapt to intelligent village and communication demand , which provide residents a safe and comfortable living environment .

  8. 传统的可视对讲系统功能单一,不能满足现在对于可视对讲系统的多媒体的需求。

    The traditional video intercom system can not meet the current video intercom system for multimedia needs because of the single function .

  9. 完成了可视对讲系统的开发,并进行了完整的系统功能测试,其运行效果很好。

    It realized the development of video intercom system and finished the function testing of the system . It achieved the satisfying effect .

  10. 随着生活水平的提高,可视对讲系统成为了智能楼宇的发展趋势。

    With the improvement of living standards , visual intercom system becomes the trend of intelligent building , and has been gradually warming in our country .

  11. 该多媒体模块增加了可视对讲系统的功能和实用性,提升了系统的档次,增加了产品的亮点和竞争力,具有广阔的市场前景。

    The multimedia module which increased functions and practicality of video intercom system promoted the grade of system , increased highlights and competitiveness of the product , would have broad market prospects .

  12. 文中所研究的智能系统主要包括可视对讲系统、电视监控系统、周界与家庭安防系统、出入口管理系统、停车场管理系统、背景音乐系统等。

    The researchful objects in this paper include : talk-back system of video , CCTV , guard system of perimeter and house access control system management system of parking lots , background music system etc.

  13. 这种多主的网络结构在可视对讲系统中得到了充分应用,阐述了设计中的几个主要技术和思想,包括CAN控制器网络、可视对讲CAN智能节点设计、CAN节点软件设计。

    CAN network with many masters will be used in visual-speaking system . This article involves technology and ideas of the system , including CAN network , CAN spot of visual-speaking system and design of CAN spot 's software .

  14. 在此基础上,我们结合我国目前小区智能化系统的现状及未来的发展趋势,设计并改进了CAN+RS485底层网络,实现了小区可视对讲系统的控制网络。

    Based on our country 's condition and development tendency of intelligent building system in the future . CAN + RS485 bottom network is designed and modified , in order to achieve an intelligent control network of video-intercommunication system in the community .

  15. 基于计算机网络的智能可视对讲监控系统设计

    Design of Intelligent and Visual Dialogue Monitoring System Based on Network

  16. 基于无线通信的可视对讲门禁系统

    The Visual Inter-conversation Door-entry Control System Based on Wireless Communication

  17. 无线可视对讲门铃系统中语音通信的设计与实现

    The design and implementation of voice communication of the wireless visual inter-conversation doorbell system

  18. 分析了楼宇可视对讲通信系统的主要功能、结构和系统总线。

    The main functions , construction and system bus in the building visual talk back communication system were analyzed .

  19. 由于某小区在智能化设计时,考虑到地质条件和当时的技术,未将可视对讲子系统进行整个小区的联网设计。

    At the time of intelligent design of some Community , we decided not to join the visual-talk system with the Community for the condition and technology .

  20. 论文主要对安全防范系统中的可视对讲子系统的结构及通信协议进行了分析,对可视对讲子系统的软件开发也做了仔细研究。

    The structure and communication protocol of visual inter-conversation subsystems has been debated in the thesis , and the main relevant software development technology has been studied carefully .

  21. 文章介绍了一种可视对讲门禁管理系统,说明了其结构、功能、硬件、软件及其实现。

    This paper introduces a visual inter-conversation door-entry control management system , and then explains the structure , function , hardware , software and the realization of this system .

  22. 在信息数字化技术的时代背景下,计算机技术、图像处理技术和智能家居控制技术广泛应用于我们的生活中,如可视对讲门禁控制系统。

    Under the background of era of digital information technology , computer technology , image processing technology and intelligent household control technology is widely used in our life , such as visual intercom access control system .

  23. 可视对讲门前机系统的研制

    Research of Door Machine of Video Speaking System

  24. 同时本系统集成了家庭安防系统、门禁系统、周界防范系统、楼宇可视对讲等诸多子系统。

    At the same time , the system is integrated with many subsystems such as Home Safe Defense System , Door Access System , Perimeter Defense System , Building Video Intercommunication System , etc.

  25. 本文就是为满足这一要求,通过设计可视对讲联网器来实现可视对讲系统在小区中的联网功能。

    To meet this need , the article will design the visual-talk module .