- 网络Taijiang County
Germplasm Resources of Wild Fruit Trees and Their Utilization in Taijiang County
Taijiang county is a county , in which most ethnic Miao nationality live .
Experimental Masson pine stands of 6 seed origins were established in Gedong Village , Taijiang County .
A Findings Report on the Miao Writing 's Trial Practice and Spread through Education in Taijiang County
Till today , Taijiang is still the most assembled county of the Maio people in Guizhou Province . The population of the Miao takes up97 % of the total population .
The workers of land reform adopted some special measures on the basis of the special local environment . Theses measures had influenced a lot on the land reform of Taijiang County in both positive and negative ways .
Jianhe County , Southeast Autonomous Prefecture , located in Guizhou Province , Taijiang County at the junction-the witch slipped village , geographically isolated , the traffic is very inconvenient , so it is an unknown small village .
Part of the fifth studies that the economy in Taijiang county getting away closed situation needs to change the ideas , extends to open to outside and be givens with nation aid in the financial power , material resources , manpower .
The first part briefly introduces development process of economy in Taijiang , the natural resources of Taijiang , the origin , race constitution .