
  1. 科技基础条件平台中总平台和子平台的角色探讨由台静农与庄严生平看迁台知识分子

    Discussing on the Roles of Chief Platform and Sub-platform in the Project of Science and Technology Infrastructure

  2. 台静农晚年以散文小品享誉海内外,主要依托于其散文本体的审美视界。

    Tai Jing-nong in his late years wins his reputation for the particular aesthetic standard of his prose .

  3. 台静农以婚恋题材开始小说创作,以乡土小说集《地之子》蜚声文坛。

    Beginning with marriage themes , Tai Jingnong became renowned for The Native Son , a collection of native writing .

  4. 本文意在对他整个一生的文学创作进行全面审视,完成一个完整的文学史意义上的台静农形象。

    In the aim of portraying him entirely from his significance in the history of literature , this paper looks closely at all of his works in his life .