
  • Snoopy;Peanuts
  1. 一系列正版的史努比商品在游客中心出售。

    A range of official Snoopy merchandise is on sale in the visitors ' centre .

  2. 他还承认会一阵阵感到无聊,也会想整理芭比娃娃(Barbie)和史努比(Snoopy)的DVD是徒劳的,因为知道自己的劳动成果很快就会被破坏掉。

    He also admits to bouts of boredom and reflects on the futility of organising Barbie and Snoopy DVDs , knowing his work will soon be undone .

  3. 我们得换衣服参加比赛去了,史努比。

    We have to suit-up for the ball game , snoopy .

  4. 史努比中哪个角色最终进了常青藤大学的

    which Scooby-Doo character would have gotten into an Ivy League .

  5. 史努比在这场婚礼中举足轻重。

    Snoopy has a vital part to play in this wedding .

  6. 米老鼠史努比等卡通人物依然受人欢迎。

    Cartoon characters such as Mickey Mouse and Snoopy are still popular .

  7. 史努比造型的气球被人群牵引着走过纽约哥伦布广场。

    Snoopy balloon makes its way through Columbus circle in New York .

  8. 深圳嘉乐比公司获授权生产史努比玩具

    Shenzhen Gallop Company got the right to produce snoopy toys

  9. 史努比深受世界各地儿童的喜欢。

    Snoopy is liked by children all over the world .

  10. 史努比:笑对人有益,只要不出人命就好。

    Laughing is good for you if you don 't kill yourself .

  11. 不是外玩笑,史努比,这是我们的婚礼。

    It 's not ajoke , snoopy , it 's our wedding .

  12. 我不得不做一些事来帮助史努比。

    I am going to have to do something to help Snoopy .

  13. 史努比:生命的秘密就在于远观最佳。

    The secret of life is to look good at a distance .

  14. 这个“出租国家”的灵感得益于美国说唱歌手“史努比狗狗”。

    This whole-country-rental idea started with rapper Snoop Dogg .

  15. 史努比:有时候当狗还真难……

    Sometimes it 's very difficult being a dog ...

  16. 出售史努比洋娃娃对儿童没有好处。

    Seliing Snoopy dolls wasn 't good for children .

  17. 史努比:这不尝起来都一个味儿嘛!

    Snoopy : They all taste alike to me !

  18. 在中国,史努比很受孩子们的欢迎。

    Snoopy is popular with the children in China .

  19. 我差点就不喜欢史努比了。

    And I almost threw up on snoopy .

  20. 史努比,你将扮演我们剧中所有的动物。

    Snoopy , you 'll have to be all the animals in our play .

  21. 你喜欢我的小狗「史努比」吗?

    Do you like my dog " Snoopy "?

  22. 史努比的电动牙刷,快餐饼,都让你念念不忘。

    His electric teeth-brush , snack cakes are all everything you can 't forget .

  23. 史努比:我大概永远也遇不到任何合理的问题。

    I didn 't think I wad ever going to get a sensible question .

  24. 史努比的形象简单讨巧,个性鲜明。

    The Snoopy image simply takes the easy way , the individuality is bright .

  25. 在史努比的小脑瓜里,他绝对不是一只狗。

    And in snoopy 's little head , he is everything but a dog .

  26. 史努比:有些玩笑的代价比较昂贵……

    Some laughs are worth more than other ...

  27. 本片也将集中于史努比和他的主人之间的趣事。

    The film will also focus on the funny things between Snoopy and his master .

  28. 我可以为你买苏打水吗?你想骑我的三轮车吗?(嘻嘻,是不是有史努比的摩托啊?)

    Could I buy you a soda ? Do you want to ride my tricycle ?

  29. 凯蒂猫,加菲猫和史努比已经成为全世界很多成年人的新宠。

    Hello Kitty , Garfield , and Snoopy have many adult fans around the world .

  30. 转得不会很快,史努比跌倒时非常好笑。

    Yeah , the turns aren 't as fast but when Snoopy falls ... funny .