
  • 网络Scooby;Scooby-Doo;SCOOBY DOO
  1. 当我一切搞定回到卧室时,发现小家伙正高兴地看卡通片史酷比(Scooby-Doo),身上和床上又是一堆新吐的披萨。

    When I returned she was happily watching Scooby-Doo and covered in another installment of pizza vomit , as was my bedding .

  2. 史酷比蛋糕上的装饰是法国的。

    The Scooby-Doo cake decorations were made in France .

  3. 事实上,这位以真人版电影《史酷比》(ScoobyDoo)中Shaggy一角闻名的演员希望总共筹集到了15万美元。

    Actually , the actor best known for playing shaggy in the live-action Scooby Doo films would like $ 150,000 .

  4. 这像是我们生命中最美的一天,史酷比。

    This is like the greatest day of our lives , scoob .

  5. 我们都知道沙吉和史酷比是什么样的人。

    We all know how shaggy and Scooby can be .

  6. 史酷比杜,你变成了个变态的鬼怪。

    Scooby-doo , you turned into a freaky monster .

  7. 那家伙还在我们后面吗,史酷比?

    Is he still after us , scoob ?

  8. 你有点太过分了,史酷比!

    You 're pushing your luck , scoob !

  9. 这地方像是充满线索,史酷比。

    This place is like clue-topia , scoob .

  10. 我想我们只要做自己最拿手的就行了,史酷比。

    I guess we 'll all just do what we do best , scoob .

  11. 史酷比狗,你在哪儿!

    Scooby Doo , Where Are You !

  12. 我提前三个月给维斯的生日蛋糕买了史酷比的装饰品。

    I buy Scooby-Doo decorations for Wes 's birthday cake three months before his birthday .

  13. 我想我们是在看“史酷比”吗?

    I thought we were watching scooby ?

  14. 这一点也不酷啊,史酷比。

    This is totally un-groovy , scoob .

  15. 哈利·波特的导演克里斯·哥伦布作为创意制片人已经参与了动画片《史酷比》。

    Harry Potter filmmaker Chris Columbus has boarded an animated Scooby-Doo movie as creative producer .

  16. 你们在这里干什么?你不是生病了吗,史酷比。

    What are you guys doing here ? You 're supposed to be sick , scooby .

  17. 那些怪物会爆炸,我会找到史酷比,而我们就拯救了全世界。

    The creatures will explode , I 'll find scoob , and we 'll have saved the world .

  18. 1969年投放市场的《史酷比》最近被改编成由莎拉?米歇尔主演的真人电影,史酷比在排行镑上排名第二。

    Scooby-Doo , launched in1969 and recently made into a live-action movie starring Sarah Michelle Gellar , came second .

  19. 华纳电影公司将在明年翻拍《猫和老鼠》与《史酷比》电影。

    Warner Bros. are set to remake " Tom and Jerry " and " Scooby Doo " next year .

  20. 而《史酷比》则围绕一群朋友在大丹狗史酷比的帮助下解开各种谜团的剧情展开。

    Scooby-Doo , on the other hand , revolves around a gang of friends who solve mysteries with the help of their Great Dane .

  21. 据《吉尼斯世界记录大全》记载,儿童卡通片《史酷比》已正式成为有史以来最富有创造力的电视动画片。

    Children 's cartoon Scooby-Doo has officially become the most prolific TV animation in history , according to the Guinness Book of world records .

  22. 史酷比的故事上一次被搬上大银幕还是在2004年的动画混搭真人电影《史酷比2:怪兽偷跑》中。

    It last hit the big screen in 2004 in the form of a live-action / hybrid " Scooby-Doo 2 : Monsters Unleashed . "

  23. 在充满各种意外和惊险的追踪活动中,事实上并没有真正的暴力发生,四人小组在总能碰巧发现线索的史酷比的帮助下,揭开最后的谜底。

    After chases , accidents and scares-but no actual violence-the team would unravel the mystery , usually helped by Scooby-Doo chancing on a lucky clue .

  24. 华纳动画集团还邀请“哈利·波特”系列电影的制片人克里斯·哥伦布担任《史酷比》动画电影的创意制片人。

    The studio has also brought on " Harry Potter " filmmaker Chris Columbus as creative producer on the new " Scooby-Doo " animated movie .

  25. 然而,城堡变得越来越衰破,现在成了一个连史酷比·杜和他的朋友都不敢进入的地方。

    Instead , the castle has progressively gotten worse and is now a place where Scooby Doo and his crew would be too terrified to enter .

  26. 本周正式宣布参选后,希拉里·克林顿乘坐了一辆她称之为史酷比的面包车前往爱荷华州,在路上竟然在墨西哥风味快餐店停了下来。

    After officially announcing her candidacy this week , Clinton traveled to Iowa in a van she dubbed Scooby , making a surprise stop at Chipotle along the way .

  27. 要我有一张探视人员名单的话,你绝对会在最底下的,夹在主耶稣和史酷比之间。

    If I had a list of all people who might come to visit me , your name would be at the bottom , somewhere between Jesus Christ and Scooby Doo .

  28. 他们的冒险经历不免被夏奇和史酷比活泼有趣或胆小如鼠的滑稽动作抢走了风头,这两个“活宝”总是在和队里的其他人分开后陷入荒谬的困境。

    Their adventures would be punctured by the hilarious and cowardly antics of Shaggy and Scooby , who invariably ended up in ridiculous scrapes after splitting off from the rest of the group .

  29. 他们聊及有关史酷比狗的一个派对,但是两个女孩心里都清楚,这位散发迷人魅力的男孩其实并不是一个合群的人。弗兰科的表演堪称精湛,几个动作和表情都是意味深长。

    They talk about a party involving Scooby-Doo , but the girls know this devilish charm boy is a loner , and Franco excels at letting a few looks and gestures speak volumes .