
  • 网络sima family
  1. 受这些议论的影响,司马氏在禅魏前后进行了三次分封。

    Under the influence of these suggestions , Sima family enfeoffed three times around ascending the throne .

  2. 阮籍与司马氏集团之关系辨析

    An Analysis on the Relationship Between Ruan Ji and SiMa Phratry

  3. 他的人生苦闷也正是司马氏残暴统治压制下的结果。

    His depression about life is the result of SiMa 's ferocious ruling .

  4. 司马氏家族世系的文化内涵考释

    The Cultural Implication of Sima 's Family Genealogy

  5. 咸阳白庙村的历史地位及其与司马氏、班氏的关系

    The Historical Status of Xianyang 's Baimiao Village and its Relationship with Sima and Ban Clans

  6. 从钟会与竹林七贤的关系看司马氏对待士人的态度

    Looking the Policy of Sima Treated the Intellectual from the Relationship between Zhong Hui and the Seven Sages of Bamboo

  7. 咸阳白庙村与程伯史佚及司马氏、班氏等中国早期的史学家有着密切关系。

    Xianyang 's Baimiao Village has a close relationship with early Chinese historians such as Cheng Boshiyi , Sima Clan and Ban Clan .

  8. 其子曹睿继位,以司马懿为辅政大臣。此后,魏国大权逐渐落人司马氏手中。

    Sima Yi acted as Chief Minister to serve the emperor , then ttie control of government was gradually transferred to the hands of Sima family .

  9. 具体言及司马氏父子的思想价值取向,虽然呈现出复杂的情况,但总体而言,司马氏父子还是推崇“黄老”之学的。

    So far as the ideological orientation of value of Sima 's father and son is concerned , although it was complicated of their ideas , in general , they two praised highly Huanglao doctrine .

  10. 晋武帝重用宗室多为司马氏中的优秀者,这既有晋武帝执政思路的原因,也和西晋宗室的政治素质普遍较高有关。第四,了解晋武帝对世家大族的用人情况。

    Emperor Wu Clan mostly reuse the excellent Sima who thought that both the ruling Emperor Wu of the reasons , and the Western Jin Dynasty imperial clan politics generally higher quality . Fourth , understand the Emperor Wu of the aristocratic families of the employment situation .