
tàn fú
  • gasp in admiration;admire deeply;in admiration
叹服 [tàn fú]
  • [in admiration] 赞叹而且佩服

  • 他画的人物栩栩如生,令人叹服

叹服[tàn fú]
  1. 时至今日来看,我们仍然被它们所展示的装饰艺术魅力所深深叹服和感到震撼。

    Come to take a look on that at the present time , we still gasp in admiration deeply and feel being shocked by charm shown by them .

  2. 这部电影叙事简练,令人叹服。

    The film tells its story with admirable economy .

  3. 她天生的创造力和艺术天赋让她的家不同凡响,令人叹服。

    Her natural creativity and artistic talent make her home a real showstopper .

  4. 他办事之麻利让我深感叹服。

    I was amazed at his speed of working .

  5. 乔治的洞察世情令她叹服。

    George dazzled her with his knowledge of the world

  6. 我们与她在一起很自在,而她渊博的知识令我们叹服。

    We felt at home with her and were impressed with the depth of her knowledge

  7. 沿着城堡街走下去,欣赏我们视若珍宝的教堂,继而叹服于城堡的壮观。

    Walk down Castle Street , admire our little jewel of a cathedral , then wonder at the castle

  8. 真正价值在于,拥有一副泰特博物馆(TateMuseum)或者盖蒂博物馆(GettyMuseum)将愿意公开展出、也能在私下里让自己和其他人叹服的画作。

    The true value lies in owning a painting that the Tate or Getty museums would love to display in public , and being able to dazzle yourself and others in private .

  9. 如果中国品牌要在全世界与对手展开竞争,他们需要拿出一些我们从没见过的东西让我们叹服,就像索尼(Sony)推出改变人们生活的随身听(Walkman)那样。

    If Chinese brands are going to take on their rivals around the world , they need to dazzle us with something we have never seen before , much like Sony did with its life-altering Walkman .

  10. 英伟达移动业务总经理雷菲尔德(MikeRayfield)说,迄今为止还没有其他公司能够以199美元的售价推出真正让人叹服的好设备,如果出现了,那肯定是个大新闻。

    ' Nobody else has been able to deliver a truly amazing device at $ 199 , ' said Mike Rayfield , general manager of Nvidia 's mobile business . ' There is significant news in that . '

  11. 贫瘠的自然环境还催生了令人叹服的生态习性。

    The barren natural environment gave birth to amazing ecological habits .

  12. 那是法国队一次令人叹服的表现。

    It was an impressive performance by the French team .

  13. 她以歌曲和嗓音的完美演出让我叹服。

    Herperformance blew me away with her songs and voices .

  14. 叹服他竟然能够做到这一点,不带任何痛苦,没有丝毫抱怨。

    And at how he did it -- without bitterness or complaint .

  15. 他所有的那些令人叹服的能力恰恰适合当前的需要。

    All his remarkable qualities fitted the present need .

  16. 他叹服她,因为他明白她已经得悉他的到来。

    He wondered at her , knowing she was aware of his presence .

  17. 朗朗的精彩表演令人不得不叹服于他的音乐才能。

    Lang Lang 's wonderful performance has done great credit to his talent .

  18. 这东西的速度和力量足以叫人叹服。

    The speed and power of the thing was greatly to be admired .

  19. 特别是租界的市政建设,让上海人大为叹服。

    Especially , people in Shanghai were marveled at the infrastructure in the concessions .

  20. 这个世界是令人惊叹的,到处都是让人叹服的艺术品。

    The world is a stunning place , full of outstanding works of art .

  21. 如果印度真的是一只乌龟,那它的表现实在是令人叹服。

    If India is indeed the tortoise , its performance is all too convincing .

  22. 给他们多一点儿时间,他们将几乎总能让你叹服。

    Just give them a little more time and they will almost always impress you .

  23. 在这个三个令人叹服的天才姐妹中,安被认为是天赋最少的一个。

    Of the three prodigiously gifted Bront ë sisters Anne has been judged the least talented .

  24. 我听这个6岁的男孩弹钢琴时为他那高超的水平所叹服。

    My eyes stood out of my head when I heard the six-year-old boy playing piano .

  25. 尽管存在以上几点因素,他们使用英文进行辩护和辩论的水准却相当令人叹服。

    Given the aforesaid factors the standard of English of advocacy amongst them is surely very impressive .

  26. 沿着城堡街走下去,欣赏我们视若珍宝的教堂,继而叹服于城堡的壮观。奇事;

    Walk down Castle Street , admire our little jewel of a cathedral , then wonder at the castle .

  27. 蜜蜂是一种很小的动物,相应的,它们的大脑也很小,但它们导航能力却令人叹服。

    Bees are small animals , and have a correspondingly small brain , yet are renowned for their navigational power .

  28. 廷巴克图古迹提供了一个令人叹服的兼重建筑方法与建筑意义的模式。

    The monuments of Timbuktu offer a compelling model embracing both the means to build and the very point of building .

  29. 《女巫》混和了经过采样和编程的音乐片段和节奏、气声低语和空灵的演唱,如今听起来仍然很新鲜,令人叹服。

    A compelling mix of sampled and programmed musical fragments and beats , breathy spoken word and ethereal singing , Witch still sounds fresh today .

  30. 协和式飞机的出色技术令人叹服,但其不稳定的经济效益却始终无法回收其来自税收的数十亿美元的投资。

    It was hailed as a technological marvel but its economics were shaky and it never made back the billions of tax dollars invested in it .