
hé huǒ hé tonɡ
  • Partnership contract;partnership agreement;contract of partnership
  1. 在清代,不仅民间日用杂书中已有合伙经营例子出现,而且合伙合同的使用也进入了社会规范化的阶段。

    , At Qing dynasty , not only it had already appeared the business example of the " go into partnership " in the miscellaneous book , but also making contract of partnership had been turned to social norm stage .

  2. 合伙合同的自愿性意味着合伙人不能被迫入伙,也不能被迫继续合作。

    The voluntary aspect of a partnership agreement means that no one can be forced into a partnership or forced to continue as a partner .

  3. 合伙合同应是书面形式的,以减少误解和将来可能发生的争执。

    The contract should be in writing in order to lessen the chances for misunderstanding and future disagreement .

  4. 再保险合同为原保险人与再保险人以分担危险为共同目的之合伙合同。

    Reinsurance contract is original underwriter and reinsurance person the partnership contract that with partaking danger is common goal .

  5. 然后将其与承揽合同和借贷契约相比较,论述清代徽商合伙合同对徽商、当时社会以及现在经营理念的意义。

    At last I compare partnership contract and agreement for work , borrow contract , and discuss partnership contract meaning to Hui merchant the meaning of principle of business management .

  6. 当两个或更多的人同意成为合伙人时,这个合伙协议就成为一个合伙合同,合伙企业自动成立。

    When two or more persons agree to become partners , such an agreement constitutes a contract and a partnership is automatically created .

  7. 利润分配以合伙协议为依据,如果新的合伙合同没有提及利润分配,则可假设三个合伙人愿意平均分配损益。

    Profit sharing is a matter for agreement among the partners ; if the new partnership contract contains no mention of profit sharing , the assumption is that the three partners intended to share profits and losses equally .