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  1. 江苏无锡惠北实验区进行的农村合作医疗保健村实验,在汲取了定县医疗保健实验的有效经验基础上,作了进一步创新。

    The Jiangsu Wuxi favors the rural cooperatives-medical care experiment has further innovated .

  2. 这些努力都得到了回报。因为与一家旅行社合作,红旗村已经成为了长白山之旅中的必去景点之一。

    These endeavors have Working in cooperation with a tourism company , Hongqi has become one of the must-visit spots when people travel to the Changbai Mountains .

  3. 就其本质而言,无论是两方合作改造还是三方合作改造,城中村改造都可以理解为合作投资行为,因此城中村改造利益分配问题实质上是投资利益分配问题。

    In essence , whether two party cooperative reconstruction or three party cooperative reconstruction , Reconstruction of villages-in-city can be understood for cooperative investment behavior , so the benefit distribution in the process of reconstruction of villages-in-city is essentially allocation of investment profits .