
  1. 二元贮冷水合盐熔解热的差示扫描量热法研究

    Study on Fusion Heat of Binary Salt Hydrates for Cool Storage by DSC

  2. 六氟磷酸铵的分离与制备&六氨合镍盐沉淀法

    Isolation and preparation of ammonium hexafluorophosphate by precipitation of the hexamine nickel (ⅱ) salt

  3. 因此,碱胁迫下Na~+的大量积累可能就是植物生长和光合低于盐胁迫的主要原因。

    It can be argued that Na ~ + accumulation under alkali stress might be main reason why the plant growth and photosynthesis was lower than that of under salt stress .

  4. 冬小麦光合功能对盐胁迫的响应

    Response of photosynthetic functions of winter wheat to salt stress

  5. 结果表明,海洋光合细菌耐盐性较好,对五种染料都有很好的脱色效果。

    The results show that ocean photosynthetic bacteria could tolerate high salinities and five different dyes were decolorized by it .

  6. 低合金钢&硝酸盐溶液体系的SCC图

    SCC Diagram for Low Alloy Steel-Nitrate Aqueous Solution System

  7. 提出了低合金钢/硝酸盐溶液体系的温度-钼含量-SCC图。

    The diagram of " temperature-Mo content-SCC " of the system " low alloy steels / nitrate solutions " is proposed .

  8. 研究了低合金钢-硝酸盐溶液体系的应力腐蚀行为。

    The stress corrosion cracking ( SCC ) behaviour of low alloy steel in nitrate aqueous solution was investigated .

  9. 介绍了复合氨基酸微量元素鳌合物代替无机盐作为饲料添加剂在饲料行业应用研究的情况和生产工艺改进所取得的成果。

    This article has introduced the situation of compound amino acid chelated mineral element substitutes for inorganic salts as feed additive used in feed fields and the achievement gained from improving production technology .

  10. 由于盐岩具有良好的密封性、低渗透性、良好的蠕变行为和损伤自愈合性,使得盐岩构造已被国际上公认为石油、天然气储存和高放射性废物处置的理想场所。

    Salt rock is recognized as an ideal medium for energy storage or high radioactive wastes permanent disposal because salt rock have especial characteristic such as well creep deformation , low permeability and damage recovery .

  11. 研究表明理盐渣与粉煤灰复合后活性要高于单掺粉煤灰,得出在该复合掺合料中埋盐渣存在最佳掺量。

    The tests show that the activity of the compound admixtures of lithium-salt residue and fly ash is higher than that of fly ash and there is a optimum ratio between the lithium-salt residue and fly-ash .