
hé yínɡ qī xiàn
  • duration of a joint venture;period of joint management;term of joint management
  1. 合资企业有无合营期限?

    Is there any time limit for a joint venture ?

  2. (一)合营期限届满;

    Expiration of the term of the joint venture ;

  3. 投资大、建设期长、资金利润低的项目,合营期限也可以在30年以上。

    The term may exceed 30 years for projects involving large investment , long construction period and low returns .

  4. 合营期限从合营企业营业执照签发之日起算。

    The term of a joint venture shall be computed from the day its business licence is signed and issued .

  5. 一般项目的合营期限原则上为十年至三十年。

    In principle , the term of a joint venture involving an ordinary project shall be from 10 to 30 years .

  6. 合营公司期限届满;

    Expiration of the duration of the joint venture company ;

  7. 合营企业期限、解散及清算程序;

    The term of the joint venture , and procedures for its dissolution and liquidation ;

  8. 第一百零一条合营企业的合营期限,由合营各方在合营企业协议、合同、章程中作出规定。

    Article 101 The term of a joint venture shall be stipulated by the parties to the venture in the joint venture agreement , contract and articles of association .

  9. 有的行业的合营企业,可以约定合营期限,也可以不约定合营期限。

    Equity joint ventures engaged in certain other lines of trade may choose to or not to specify their duration in the contracts .

  10. (二)合营企业的宗旨、经营范围和合营期限;

    The purpose of the joint venture , the scope of its business operations , and its term ;