
  • 网络Compliance Risk
  1. 合规风险与传统的银行业三大风险不同,是随着金融业高速发展而衍生的新型风险。

    Compliance risks are different to the traditional risks , as it appears with the development of the global finance .

  2. 一旦出现合规风险,商业银行不仅会受到法律制裁,更会使自身财产及声誉蒙受重大损失,阻碍商业银行健康发展。

    Once the compliance risks happen , commercial banks would suffer to not only the punishment of law , but also the great lost of property and reputation .

  3. EA银行XA分行合规风险控制系统研究

    The Study on Compliance Risk Control System Construction of EA Bank XA Branch

  4. 商业银行的公司治理与合规风险管理

    Corporate Governance and Regulated Risk Management of Commercial Banks

  5. 保险公司合规风险管理体系构建研究

    Construction of the Compliance Risk Management System for Insurers

  6. 识别并报告发起合规风险的纠正措施,满足监管要求。

    Identify and report on compliance risks to initiate corrective action and meet regulatory requirements .

  7. 实施合规风险管理已经成为确保提高经营管理水平的关键环节。

    Implementation of compliance risk management has become a key link in the management level .

  8. 综合化经营模式下商业银行的合规风险管理

    Compliance Risk Management in Universal Banking

  9. 该咨询文件随即成为一些国家的监管机构和银行规范合规风险管理的指导性文件。

    This consultation paper has been the compliance risk management guidance document of banks in other country .

  10. 股东提前介入,包括员工,也是被视为转移合规风险的一个方法。

    Proactive stakeholder engagement , including with staff is also viewed as a means of averting compliance issues .

  11. 最后,对鲁证期货的合规风险管理机制进行了简要的评析。

    Lastly , it briefly analysis the mechanisms of the compliance risk management about the Lu Zheng Futures Limited Company .

  12. 从目前发展来看,一些国际性的大银行已经逐渐开始建立起较完善和成熟的合规风险管理体系,以此来提供银行的综合管理水平。

    Some international banks have already established perfect compliance-risk management system in order to heighten the efficiency of the bank management .

  13. 继巴林银行破产案后,法国兴业银行巨额金融违规案使得世界金融市场的焦点重新聚集在银行合规风险管理问题上。

    After Barings Bank falling , noncompliance case of Societe Generale attracts significant concern on compliance risk management of financial organizations again .

  14. 2005年是国内多家国有商业银行大案要案频发的一年,这些案件暴露出国有商业银行合规风险管理的薄弱环节。

    More and more banks crimes were exposed in 2005 . It has exposed the compliance risk management weaknesses of the state-owned commercial banks .

  15. 作为对巴塞尔委员会文件的积极响应,中国银行业监督管理委员会于2006年10月颁布了《商业银行合规风险管理指引》。

    In order to response the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision , the China Banking Regulatory Commission promulgated 《 Management Guidelines of Commercial Bank Compliance Risk 》 in 2006 .

  16. 证券公司作为经营货币资金和有价证券的特殊企业,其一切经营活动必须严控合规风险,否则随时都有可能遭受不可预计的风险损失。

    Specialized in running monetary fund and negotiable securities , securities companies must exercising strict control over all operating activities ; otherwise they may suffer unexpected losses at any time .

  17. 总而言之,专家们谈及了在中国做生意伴随的风险因素,比如政府介入、人口老龄化和合规风险。

    To conclude , panellists touched on the risk factors that go along with doing business in China , such as the involvement of the government , an ageing population and compliance risks .

  18. 在此基础上,设计了商业银行合规风险管理体系框架,提出了以集中化管理和条线式报告为主的合规管理思路,并明确了报告路线。

    On this basis , we design the commercial banks compliance risk management framework and in put forward a centralized management and line-report-based compliance management ideas and provide the line of the report .

  19. 最后,提出合规风险管理体系的保障措施。从而制定出既适合公司自身发展又适应外部竞争的综合性方案,加强合规风险管理,实现天赋证券公司跨越式发展。

    Finally , the paper puts forward the guarantee measures of compliance risk management system , and makes a comprehensive optimizing scheme which is fit for both its own development and the external competition .

  20. 因此,加强合规风险管理、有效把控合规风险,已成为商业银行需要迫切有效应对的重大课题,已成为商业银行持续、稳健发展的内在动力。

    Therefore , enhance compliance risk management , effectively control compliance risk have become a very important and urgent problem for commercial banks to deal with , a internal sustainable and stable motivation for the banks development .

  21. 银行合规风险管理系统现已开发完成,已投入使用将近大半年,整个系统具有与平台无关性,是一个松耦合的应用系统。

    The development of bank compliance risk management system has been finished , and it has been put into operation for almost half a year . The main feature of this system is platform-independent and loose coupling .

  22. 造成银行业金融机构违规操作和违规经营以及银行从业人员违法犯罪案件多发的原因有很多,而银行内部合规风险管理体系的缺失乃是其中最根本和最主要的原因之一。

    The reasons of resulting in the violation operations of financial institutions and the crime of employees of banks are various . But the most reason is the missing of management system of compliance risk in bank .

  23. 国际银行业管理合规风险的方法和机构设置尽管各不相同,但基本上都包括高管层的总体把握、合规部门的具体管理与协调以及全体员工参与这三个层次。

    Though international banks handle compliance risks with different management methods and systems , basically they have three levels at disposal : senior executives ' overall control , actual departments ' management and coordination and all staff participation .

  24. 20世纪90年代,一些跨国性金融公司就已经认识到,相继发生的重大操作风险和洗钱案等风险丑闻,突显出了公司自身合规风险管理失控问题的严峻性。

    As far back as the 1990s , some international finance companies have already realized that , risk scandals as great operational risk case and money laundering taking place in succession , mostly caused by its failure management of compliance risk .

  25. 国际上一些跨国银行早在20世纪90年代就已经认识到,相继发生的重大操作风险和银行洗钱案等风险丑闻,大多是由于银行自身的合规风险管理失控所造成的。

    As early as the 1990s , a number of international banks have been recognized that a variety of outbreak of the operation risk and the scandals of money laundering result from the compliance risk management of bank out of control .

  26. 但我国商业银行,尤其是农村商业银行,合规风险的发展基本上处于长期发展阶段。因此,对我国农村商业银行开展合规管理建设无疑具有深远的现实意义。

    But the Commercial Bank of our country , especially the rural commercial bank , the development of compliance risk basically in long-term development stage . Therefore , it is of profound significance to our country rural commercial banks compliance management construction .

  27. 本文指出了商业银行风险管理工作中存在的薄弱环节和合规风险管理体系应具备的主要特点,并就如何建立合规风险管理体系提出了相关建议。

    This thesis has pointed out the weak links in commercial banks ' risk management as well as the main characteristics that compliance risk management system should have , and put forward relevant proposals on how to establish a compliance risk management system .

  28. 合规风险管理流程改造也即是通过主动识别合规风险、主动评估合规风险、主动控制跟踪合规风险的全流程管理,从而达到强化、完善合规风险管理的目的。

    By altering the procedures of compliance risk management , which means getting the results of enhancing , completing compliance risk management by initially distinguishing compliance risk management , initially evaluating compliance risk management , initially controlling and tracing whole procedure of compliance risk management .

  29. 针对文章发现的问题,提出对策:首先要建立科学的合规风险管理框架,其次要把合规纳入激励约束机制、然后建立高效的合规问责制,最后重视合规文化建设。

    Puts forward the countermeasures against the problems found : firstly , to establish compliance risk management framework of science , secondly to compliance into the incentive and restraint mechanisms , and the establishment of efficient compliance accountability , and finally to the compliance culture construction .

  30. 各大银行还受到警告,要求它们更谨慎地处理利益冲突,避免将合规及风险部门负责人的薪酬控制权过多地交给业务部门。

    Banks were also warned to manage their conflicts of interest more carefully and avoid giving the business side too much control over remuneration for compliance and risk officers .