
  • 网络Gilson;Brehier-Gilson
  1. 爱德华。吉尔松吸这种烟吸了三十五年。现在他即将死于肺癌。

    Edward Gilson has been breathing this type of smoke for35 years .

  2. 没有人确切地知道为什么吉尔松会得肺癌。

    No one knows for sure why Mr , Gilson has lung cancer .

  3. 现代新托马斯主义者马利坦、吉尔松复活了亚里士多德的形式观念,并且从存在论(最高的存在即上帝、纯形式)上论证了包括美和艺术在内的整个世界。

    Modern Neo Thomists Maritain and Gilson revived Aristotle 's idea of form and proved systematically the whole world including art and beauty from the point of ontology ( God ) .