
  • 网络Jeepney
  1. 声音2:如今,吉普尼的车辆也有所加大。

    Voice 2 : Today the jeepneys are also bigger .

  2. 现在,许多吉普尼几乎和公共汽车一样大。

    Now , many of them are almost as large as buses .

  3. 菲律宾人挤在他们色彩鲜艳的吉普尼里。

    Filipinos crowd together in their brightly coloured jeepneys .

  4. 当地工厂和企业用日本卡车零件和当地材料制造吉普尼。

    Local factories and businesses make jeepneys from Japanese truck parts and local materials .

  5. 声音1:这些年来,吉普尼车主改变了他们车辆的外观。

    Voice 1 : Over the years the owners of the jeepneys have changed the look of their vehicles .

  6. 所以人们站在吉普尼的两侧和后面。人们甚至会坐在吉普尼上面。

    So people stand on the sides and the backs of the jeepneys . People even sit on top of them .

  7. 他们在每辆吉普尼的前部都增加了一些小物件,比如灯光、镜子和马模型。

    They have added small objects to the front of each jeepney - objects such as lights , mirrors , and models of horses .