
Jí pǔ sài
  • Gypsy
  1. BBC的一项调查发现,伦敦街头的许多儿童行乞者都来自罗马尼亚的吉普赛社区,每人每天可为其看护着挣得数百美元。

    A BBC investigation has found that many child beggars active on the streets of London come from Romania 's Gypsy community and each can earn hundreds of dollars a day for their minders .

  2. 他不会罗马尼亚语,只会吉普赛语!

    He doesn 't speak romanian , he only speaks gypsy !

  3. 在匈牙利,反吉普赛的jobbik党派赢得3个席位。

    In Hungary , the Jobbik party , with its anti-gypsy platform , won three seats .

  4. 那吉普赛女郎叫我找什么呢?

    What was it that Gypsy told me to look for ?

  5. 那吉普赛女郎害我以为会很难。

    That Gypsy had me thinking it was gonna be hard .

  6. 莱拉是个总希望从生活中得到更多东西的吉普赛姑娘。

    Layla was a Gypsy girl who always wanted more from life .

  7. 请月亮实现她嫁给一个吉普赛男人的愿望。

    To fulfill her wish to marry a gipsy man .

  8. 吉普赛的士里找到了你的名片。

    Your business card in a gypsy cab last night .

  9. 他是来跟我们学吉普赛语的!

    He came to stay with us to study romanes !

  10. 乐声飘渺,在我的吉普赛旅行车中缭绕。

    His music will fill the air of my gypsy wagon indeterminately .

  11. 这是我养的狗吉普赛,还有我的猫多利欧。

    And this is my dog gypsy , and my cat tullio .

  12. 我以前认识一个吉普赛灵媒家庭,

    You know , I knew a family of gypsy psychics

  13. 玛丽很害怕,因为吉普赛人士有名的坏人;

    Mary was scared . The gypsies were known for being bad people .

  14. 麦琪跟着一个吉普赛步行到了他们的营地。

    Maggie tramped with a gypsie to their camp .

  15. 她推出了吉普赛式裙装、绣花丝绸短衫并配上披肩。

    She ushered in gypsy skirts , embroidered silk blouses and accompanying shawls .

  16. 又是她那套吉普赛鬼名堂。

    That is more of her Gypsy manure .

  17. 旧时的吉普赛大篷车是涂了颜色的木质车辆。

    Old-fashioned gypsy caravans are painted wooden vehicles .

  18. 他不会说吉普赛语或者罗马尼亚语!

    He doesn 't speak Romanes or romanian !

  19. 吉普赛命理师算到你的未来后,主动退钱给你。

    The Gypsy fortune teller offers to refund your money when she sees your future .

  20. 吉普赛女郎预言过她的归来。

    The gypsy woman prophesied her return .

  21. 才看不起你们这些吉普赛贼种!

    Spit on your Mafioso Gypsy face !

  22. 和吉普赛香烟女郎唱诗班一起。

    With the gypsy cigarette girls choir .

  23. 吉普赛女郎[营地]

    A gipsy girl [ camp ]

  24. 吉普赛人说一种吉普赛语,与印度语言有很多共同的单词。

    The Gypsies speak a language called Romany which has many common words with Indian languages .

  25. 像一个瘦瘦的吉普赛小偷

    One more thin gypsy thief

  26. 一位主流政治家担心:“如今,在社会各阶层,都听到反吉普赛的情绪。”

    One mainstream politician worries that : " you now hear anti-gypsy sentiment at every level of society . "

  27. 直到看见照片,我才意识到自己看上去就像一个擅自闯入的吉普赛算命人。

    It was only when I saw the photos that I realized I looked like a meddlesome gypsy fortune-teller .

  28. 工厂的午休铃声响起,塞维尔的男人们聚在一起欣赏休息的工厂女工,尤其是他们最喜欢的吉普赛女郎卡门。

    The factory bell rings and the men of Seville gather to watch the female workers & especially their favorite , the gypsy Carmen .

  29. 许多吉普赛群体仍保留了一些他们传统文化的成分,包括流动的生存方式,部落或组织结构,还有他们使用的罗姆语。

    Many Gypsy groups have preserved elements of their traditional culture , including an itinerant existence , tribal organization , and the Romany language .

  30. 他是3岁大的虎斑猫斯坦利(根据脸谱网的投票命名)的主人,也是另一只名叫吉普赛的猫的主人。

    He is the proud owner of three-year-old tabby Stanley ( named through a Facebook poll ) as well as another cat named Gypsy .