
  • 网络diaoluo mountain
  1. 降水对海南省吊罗山季雨林及橡胶林土壤中元素迁移的影响

    Effect of precipitation on chemical element migration in soil of tropical monsoon forest and rubber plantation

  2. 采用常规聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳技术,对海南吊罗山和霸王岭两个国家级自然保护区野生荔枝等位酶遗传多样性进行了研究。

    Allozyme variation and genetic diversity were evaluated among wild litchis sampling from two nature protection areas of Bawangling and Diaoluoshan in Hainan Island .

  3. 由于受山体位置与山系走向的影响,吊罗山和尖峰岭两大热带林区的气温及降雨的差异较大。

    Because of the influence of the mountain 's position and tendency , the difference of air temperature and precipitation of these two regions is relatively high .

  4. 于2005年2月至3月调查了海南岛的部分地区两栖动物,主要集中在戈枕、湾岭和吊罗山,共计采集到13种标本,分隶4科7属。

    This paper reports the results of a partial survey of amphibians of Hainan Island conducted from February to March of 2005 . A total of 13 species of amphibians were found in the survey and identified , all of which belong to seven genera and four families .