- 网络Isotopic peak

A basic program for calculating isotopic peak abundances of organic molecules in mass spectrum
Abundance Calculation and Understanding of Isotopic Peak in Organic Mass Spectrometry
PPre_ITMS is a preprocessing system for ion trap MS / MS data , which uses the expectation maximization method and decision tree to recognize the noise baseline and first isotopic peaks , respectively .
The only mass interference within 78.035 5u ± 10mu is C 2H 7NS ( positive ion 78.037 7u ) and the difference can be discriminated by ( M + 2 ) isotope peak .
This system can determine 13 isotopic peaks by single beam method .
Analysis of the Overlap of Isotopic Peaks in Mass Spectrometry and its Application
The Measurement of Mass Spectrometric Peak Height Ratio of Helium Isotope in Trace Sample
The Ba fraction was measured by off-line γ - ray spectroscopy . The cross sections of the individual Ba isotope were calculation based on the intensities of the character γ - ray peaks of Ba isotopes and other relative information .
The ionization efficiency of the samarium , as well as the ion transmission efficiency and the receive efficiency were researched . The interference of the tail peak that coming from the strong peak was eliminated and the isobars of Sm was not found .
According to relative intensity of isotopes of chlorine and silicon , the compositions of fragments and fragmentation regularities of mass spectra were inferred .