
tóng tài
  • homomorphism
同态[tóng tài]
  1. 特别地,当P是拟-n-倾斜模时,这个同态是可裂的。

    In particular , the homomorphism is splitting if P is quasi-n-tilting .

  2. Fuzzy格上的亚序同态及性质

    Sub Order Homomorphism of Fuzzy Lattice and It 's Properties

  3. 给出了任意自同态像图都是收缩核的分裂图的结构

    The split graph is given endomorphism images are retracts .

  4. (P,1)同态及其应用

    ( p , 1 ) homomorphism and Its Applications

  5. Fuzzy商代数与同态基本定理

    Fuzzy factor algebras and the fundamental theorem of homomorphisms

  6. BCK-数的Fuzzy理想的同态象

    The homomorphic image of fuzzy ideal in BCK-algebra

  7. 给出了带有Fuzzy同余关系的加法可逆半环的同态性质。

    Some homomorphic properties of semirings with fuzzy congruence relation are given in the end .

  8. 模的Fuzzy同态性质

    On Properties of Fuzzy Homomorphism in Module

  9. 环上模的Fuzzy同态

    Fuzzy Homomorphism of Module on Ring

  10. Fuzzy序同态的构造

    On structure of fuzzy order homeomorphisms

  11. 关于Fuzzy序同态的进一步讨论

    Further discuss on fuzzy order homomorphisms

  12. 左C-半群上的同余与同态像

    Congruences and Homomorphic Image of Left C-semigroups

  13. 线性流形的自同态环的n级幂等结构

    The Structure of N-order Idempotent of the Endomorphism Ring in the Linear Manifold

  14. 保承集的Fuzzy序同态

    Support-preserving Fuzzy Order Homomorphisms

  15. 基于MATLAB和同态解调的提升机齿轮箱故障诊断研究

    Study of elevator gearbox fault diagnosis based on MATLAB and homomorphic demodulation

  16. 拓扑分子格上的几乎R不定序同态

    Almost r irresolute order-homomorphisms in Topological Molecular Lattices

  17. 证明了相对Fuzzy集族是完全分配格,以及相关算子f是从I~x到的满广义序同态;

    It is proved that the family of relatively fuzzy sets is a completely distributive lattice ;

  18. 局部统计同态滤波用于CO2激光成像的图像处理

    Local Statistics-homomorphic Filter for CO_2 Laser Imaging Radar

  19. TH型区间值模糊正规子群的乘积与同态象定理

    The Product and the Theorem of the Image of Homomorphism of T H-Interval-Valued Fuzzy Normal Subgroups

  20. F幂集的一类自同态的分解定理

    Decomposition and Representation for a kind of Homomorphism Change on the fuzzy set

  21. 基于新截集的广义扩展原则和F幂集自同态

    Based on Generalized Augmented Principle of New Cut Set and Endomorphism of F Power Set

  22. 同时还给出商Fuzzy子群和积Fuzzy子群等概念以及有关的同态和同构定理。

    The concepts of quotient fuzzy subgroup and direct product of fuzzy subgroups are given and some theorems about homomorphism and automorphism are proved .

  23. 最后给出了一般群的自同态集合能作成Near环的充要条件。

    Finally , we obtain the equivalent condition for the endomorphism set of a group is a mapping Near - ring .

  24. 一个三元组(H,?,F)称为F的一个来自H的同态证明,如果?

    A triple ( H ,?, F ) is called a homomorphism proof from H of F if ?

  25. MS代数的极大同态象

    Maximal Homomorphic Images of MS-Algebras

  26. 称图X为弱s-弧传递图,如果自同态幺半群End(X)在X的s-弧上传递作用(s≥1)。

    A graph is called weakly s-arc transitive if the endomorphism monoid acts transitively on the s-arc ( s > 1 ) .

  27. UML到Verilog同态映射在SOC系统级建模上的应用

    Homomorphic Mapping from UML to Verilog in SOC System-Level Modeling

  28. 关于线性序同态与LF线性算子的连续性

    On Continuity of Linear Order Homomorphisms and LF Linear Operators

  29. 汉语人称代词与指示代词同形类型及其动因初探是一个从H到F的同态。

    A Typological Study of the Homomorphism between Personal Pronoun and Demonstrative Pronoun in Chinese is a homomorphism from H to F.

  30. LF拓扑空间的S-序同态和S-连续性

    S-Order Homomorphic Mapping and S-Continuity in LF Topological Space