
  • 网络Synchronous Digital Hierarchy;SDH Synchronous digital hierarchy;SDH SDH
  1. 文章介绍了同步数字体系(SDH)设备交叉模块的测试技术。

    This paper introduces a testing technology for cross connect module of SDH equipment .

  2. 多业务传输平台(MSTP)的出现使得同步数字体系(SDH)网络可以传输多种业务。

    Multi-Service Transport Platform ( MSTP ) can transport multi-traffic on SDH network .

  3. GB/T16712-1996同步数字体系(SDH)复用设备技术要求

    Specifications for synchronous digital hierarchy ( SDH ) multiplex equipment

  4. SDH(同步数字体系)的应用也离不开网络管理。

    SDH ( Synchronous Digital Hierarchy ) application also cannot be separated from network management .

  5. GB/T16814-1997同步数字体系(SDH)光缆线路系统测试方法

    Methods of measurement for synchronous digital hierarchy ( SDH ) optical fiber cable line systems

  6. 网络管理是同步数字体系(SDH)网络的重要组成部分。

    Network management is one of the most important parts for Synchronous Digital Hierarchy ( SDH ) network .

  7. 介绍了光同步数字体系中用于STM-1/STM-4模式下段开销处理专用集成电路的设计。

    The ASIC design used to STM-1 / STM-4 overhead processing is introduced in this paper .

  8. 本文基于光纤传输同步数字体系(SDH)系统的开发背景,较为详细地总结了155Mbit/s速率下的净荷误码测试机理。

    In this article , the mechanism of payload bit error test in SDH 155Mbit / s is summarize in detail .

  9. 基于同步数字体系(SDH)之上的综合业务传送平台(MSTP)已成为运营商建设多业务城域网的首选。

    The SDH-based MSTP has been the top selection of the operators in the construction of a multiservice metropolitan area network .

  10. 随着同步数字体系(SDH)多业务平台的日趋发展,传统的SDH保护方式已无法满足现在的需要。

    With the rapid development of Synchronous Digital Hierarchy ( SDH ) multiple operation platforms , traditional optical network protection is not enough for the newly arising needs .

  11. 同步数字体系中155Mbit/s净荷的误码测试

    Bit Error Test of Payload in SDH 155M bit / s

  12. 主要介绍了数字化改造后的SDH(同步数字体系)数字微波网的基本概况和技术优势

    It has given a basic overview and technological advantage of SDHC and STM after the transformation . SDH Digital Microwave Network Management System Application of Radio Relay System in SDH Based Networks and its Key Techniques

  13. 详细介绍了一种宽带数据网络测试卡的硬件设计方法、各硬件模块功能、SDH(同步数字体系)层和ATM/POS(异步传送方式/帧传送方式)层测试功能的实现方法。

    A hardware designing method of testing-card for broadband digital network , including the functions of all hardware modules and the implementation of SDH layer and ATM / POS layer testing function are presented in detail .

  14. 本文以同步数字体系(SDH)应用为背景,论述了SDH分插复用器(ADM)系统的原理与设计方法。

    Against the background of the application of Synchronous Digital Hierarchy ( SDH ), the paper mainly discusses the design principles and chief techniques of an Add-Drop Multiplexer ( ADM ), one of the SDH equipments .

  15. 简要介绍甚短距离光传输系统,分析各种帧对齐电路的性能,提出一种针对同步数字体系(SDH)高速数据的全新的基于二分查找的并行帧对齐电路。

    This paper gave a brief introduction to the very short reach optical transmission system , analysed features of current word alignment circuits , and proposed a novel parallel binary search word alignment circit specifically for SDH systems .

  16. 本论文首先介绍了同步数字体系SDH的基本知识,主要包括STM-N的帧结构及SDH复用原理。

    This paper begins with the brief introduction of SDH fundamental , mainly including the frame structure of STM-N and the procedure of PDH tributary signal being multiplexed into STM-N frame .

  17. 同步数字体系(SDH)和同步光纤网络(SONET)在世界范围广泛应用于城域主干网,长途通信网和广域网。

    Synchronous Digital Hierarchy ( SDH ) and Synchronous Optical Network ( SONET ) are now applied worldwide both in carrier backbone networks , by metropolitan service providers and in large scale WANs by end-user organizations .

  18. 目前同步数字体系(SDH)层自愈算法都是为电路业务设计,具有保护切换速度快(≤50ms)的优点,但资源利用率低(≤50%)。

    The SDH layer 's self healing algorithms are designed for circuit oriented service , and their protection switching speed is rapid (≤ 50 ms ), but resource utilization is low (≤ 50 % ) .

  19. 采用模拟标准单元法设计了同步数字体系专用的0.8μMCMOS数模混合锁相环.讨论了电路实现过程,给出了有关结果。

    A 0.8 μ m CMOS mixed analog / digital PLL ( Phase Locked Loop ) with a maximum output frequency of 60 MHz has been developed for an SDH chip . The discussion focuses on the circuit implementation process , with the relevant results also given .

  20. 阐述了SDH(同步数字体系)传输设备的帧结构及各种开销字节的功能,分析了其告警的原因,提出故障定位的常用方法和故障处理的基本原则。

    The frame structure and the functions of various overhead bytes for SDH transmission equipment are described , and the reasons of alert occuring are analyzed . In addition the common methods for troubleshooting and the basic principles to deal with these troubles are proposed .

  21. 介绍了在高级准同步数字体系(APDH)中的2MBs接口的数字环路滤波器的改良方案。

    This paper discussed the improvement of a digital loop filter of 2Mb / s interface in APDH ( Advanced PDH ) .

  22. 同步数字体系骨干网的高集成度接入方法研究

    Study on the High Integration Access Method for SDH Backbone Network

  23. 基于同步数字体系的子网连接保护研究与应用

    Research and application for sub network connection protection based on SDH

  24. 同步数字体系网络技术与应用

    Technology of Synchronous Digital Hierarchy Net and Its Application

  25. GB/T15940-1995同步数字体系信号的基本复用结构

    Basic multiplexing structure for synchronous digital hierarchy signals

  26. GB/T15409-1994同步数字体系信号的帧结构

    Frame structure for synchronous digital hierarchy signal

  27. GB/T14731-1993同步数字体系的比特率

    Synchronous digital hierarchy bit rates

  28. 宽带广电网的同步数字体系

    SDH of Broadband CATV Network

  29. 《同步数字体系》等两项标准通过邮电部技术鉴定指以货币表现的邮电部门用于传递信息和提供其他邮电服务的总数量。

    SDH and DXC Standards Passed MPT Appraisal Refers to the total amount of post and telecommunications services , expressed in value terms , provided by the post and telecommunications departments for the customers .

  30. 第一部分叙述近年来以时分多路为基的电传送网的改进与发展,它采用同步数字体系,并在光纤传输线路上装用波分多路系统和光纤放大器。

    In the first part , it describes the improvement and development of the TDM based electronic transport network , with the synchronous digital hierarchy SDH as basis , together with WDM and EDFA along the optical fiber transmission lines .