
  • 网络synchronized;synchronization mechanism;synchronous mechanism;synchronization
  1. Java通过同步机制为多线程面向对象程序设计避免相干性破坏数据一致性提供了一种可行的手段,但这种手段若使用不当,则会造成死锁。

    Java has set up the synchronized mechanism to avoid destroying the data consistency caused by coherency .

  2. 对Delphi软件开发平台的多线程编程、异常处理机制、线程同步机制及第三方控件的使用方法进行了简述。

    The program design of multi-thread based on Delphi , exception process mechanism , synchronized operation mechanism , and third party components are discussed .

  3. WEB数据挖掘中多线程的开发及同步机制的实现

    Development of Multithread Application and Realization of Synchronism in Web Mining

  4. 基于Web服务的异构数据库共享及同步机制

    Sharing and synchronization strategy of heterogeneous databases based on web service

  5. Web网格服务下的同步机制的研究

    Research on the Synchronization Mechanism in the Web Grid Service

  6. 基于Web服务的异构地籍数据同步机制与实现

    Synchronization Mechanism Design and Implementation of Heterogeneous Cadastre Based on Web Services

  7. 基于Agent的容灾系统数据同步机制

    Data Synchronization Scheme of Disaster Tolerance Based on Agent

  8. Java多线程同步机制平台相关性浅析

    Analysis on the Platform Correlation of Java Multithreaded Synchronous Mechanism

  9. 通过使用上面列出的这些原语,各种库都可以用于Linux之上,以提供同步机制。

    Various libraries are available for Linux to provide synchronization using the previously named primitives .

  10. Linux操作系统内核同步机制分析

    Analysis of Linux Kernel Synchronization Mechanism

  11. Java多线程具有很大的平台相关性,导致了其同步机制的平台相关性。

    The Java multithreading has very big platform correlation , which causes the platform correlation of its synchronous mechanism .

  12. 一种新的极低SNR下帧同步机制研究

    A New Frame Synchronization Scheme in Very Low SNR Environments

  13. MicrosoftWin32应用程序接口(API)中同步机制的使用

    The Usage of Synchronizing in Microsoft Win32 Applying Program Interface

  14. 针对该方案,本文研究了其抗干扰性能、同步机制和同步算法,并对部分基带模块进行了FPGA设计。

    Furthermore , the anti-jamming performance , synchronization scheme and FPGA design of the proposed scheme are described .

  15. 此外,还对Windows下多线程技术中同步机制、任务调度算法以及线程调度模型进行深入研究。

    Furthermore , Synchronous mechanism , task schedule rule and thread schedule model of multithreading technology in Windows are studied deeply .

  16. 应用多线程同步机制充分利用Windows系统的丰富资源,是Windows系统的重要特点。

    Application of multi - thread synchronous mechanism to make full use of system resource is one of the important features of Windows .

  17. MPEG的同步机制及其时序时钟恢复

    Synchronization Mechanism and Time Sequence Clock Recovery in MPEG

  18. 基于HLA联邦仿真框架,研究了实体迁移中的时间同步机制;

    The time synchronization mechanism for migrating entities in HLA ( high level architecture ) federated simulation is studied .

  19. MPP同步机制中忙等待锁算法研究

    Don'Wait LOCK RED Research of Busy-weiting Look Algorithm in MPP Synchronization Mechanism

  20. 对Linux的内核源代码进行了分析,且着重于其核心服务机制的组织结构、进程调度、任务队列机制、同步机制、系统定时机制的剖析。

    Linux ′ s kernel source code , its architecture , process scheduler , task queue , synchronization , system timer are analyzed in great detail .

  21. 在那些非原子且可由多个线程访问的易变操作中,一定不能够依赖于volatile的同步机制。

    In cases where the variable operation is non-atomic and can be accessed by multiple threads , don 't rely on volatile synchronization facilities .

  22. 你可以利用和扩展此方法,将其作为在多个系统中维护分类的同步机制,包括WebSphereServiceRegistryandRepository。

    You can leverage and extend this approach as a synchronization mechanism for maintaining the classification taxonomy in multiple systems , including WebSphere Service Registry and Repository .

  23. barrier是一个JCSP事件,可以充当多个进程之间的同步机制。

    A barrier is a JCSP event that acts as a synchronization mechanism between multiple processes .

  24. 使用volatile变量次要原因是其性能:某些情况下,volatile变量同步机制的性能要优于锁。

    A secondary motivation for using volatile variables is performance : In some situations , volatile variables may be a better-performing synchronization mechanism than locking .

  25. 与锁相比,Volatile变量是一种非常简单但同时又非常脆弱的同步机制,它在某些情况下将提供优于锁的性能和伸缩性。

    Volatile variables are a simpler but weaker form of synchronization than locking , which in some cases offers better performance or scalability than intrinsic locking .

  26. 基于IPTV的电视机顶盒内嵌流媒体播放器同步机制的设计与实现

    Design and Implement of the Synchronization Mechanism for the Streaming Media Player Embedded in TV Box Based on IPTV

  27. 同时完成了基于socket套接字的视频网络传输程序,设计了多客户端访问的同步机制。

    The video network transmission program is based on the socket , and a synchronous mechanism is designed for multi-client access . 3 .

  28. 在RTI上增加时间管理扩展组件,用来实现基于时间区间的乐观时间同步机制。

    A component based on RTI is implemented , which ensures a practical time warp mechanism .

  29. Posix线程同步机制及其在电网监控系统中的应用

    Posix Threads Synchronization Mechanism and Its Application in Distributed Power Network Monitoring System

  30. 提出了新的收发节点信道同步机制,使CR节点对系统时间的精确度要求降低,并提高了网络的效率和灵活性。

    Propose a new node synchronization mechanism , which decrease the nodes ' dependence on specific system time , and improve the efficiency and flexibility of the CR network .