
  • 网络synchronous communication satellite;SYNCOM
  1. 第四章以我国在轨运行的中国卫星X号卫星为例,详尽地介绍了同步通信卫星在定点位置漂移的原因及计算方法。

    Article 4 : Look on the " ChinaSat X " as the example , introduced caused reason and calculation mean of GEO communication satellite orbit drift in detailed .

  2. 人们所知道的第一个地球同步通信卫星晨鸟是1965年发射的。

    The first geostationary communications satellite , known as Early Bird , went into orbit in 1965 .

  3. 经实践验证,该系统实现了自动控制接收天线转向并锁定某一个同步通信卫星,以获得最佳的通信信号。

    It is proved that this system automatically steers the direction of a receiver antenna and locks a synchronous satellite in order to acquire best communication signal .

  4. 为提高针对影响同步通信卫星正常工作的地面干扰源定位精度,回避无邻近卫星无法定位问题,提出低轨卫星辅助的新方法。

    In order to improve the positioning precision of interference source which affects the normal operation of the synchronous communication satellites and avoid positioning difficulty without neighboring satellite , a new method called LEOAP ( LEO satellite aided positioning ) is brought forward .

  5. 中国同步试验通信卫星STW-1的控制

    Control of the Chinese geostationary experimental communication satellite stw-1

  6. 地球同步通信广播卫星的两种姿态控制方式

    Two different attitude control methods for geostationary communication broadcasting satellite

  7. 我的第一份工作是为一家大型防务公司建立对地同步的通信卫星。

    My first job was for a large defense company building geosynchronous communications satellites .

  8. 地球同步轨道通信卫星的轨道管理是通过轨道测量、轨道确定和轨道保持(机动)完成的。

    The management of geosynchronous communication satellite is fulfilled through orbit measuring , orbit determination and orbit keeping ( maneuver ) .

  9. 在滤波计算过程中,采用了改进的广义卡尔曼滤波算法,以某地球同步轨道通信卫星为背景,进行了计算机仿真研究。

    Computer simulations are done based on certain earth synchronous communications satellite , and an improved extended Kalman filtering algorithm is adopted in course of filtering .

  10. 对于地球同步轨道通信卫星,一个难点是远距离测量的侧音测距系统最大无模糊距离受到侧音信号最低频率的限制,以及卫星在轨道中的精确定点保持。

    One of the difficult points for measuring system is that the utmost unambiguous distance is limited by the lowest frequency of tone . Other on orbit satellite accurate station keeping .

  11. 卫星通信地球站通过与地球同步轨道通信卫星的链路形成卫星通信网络,目前随着卫星通信技术的发展,国内外市场对卫星通信地球站提出了越来越高的要求,机载卫星通信地球站应运而生。

    A satellite communication network can be formed by the link between a satellite communication earth station and a geosynchronous orbit communications satellite . With the development of satellite communication technology , both the domestic and international markets make higher request to satellite communication earth station .

  12. 地球同步通信与广播卫星

    Geo-stationary communication and broadcast satellite