
hòu bèi ɡàn bù
  • reserve cadres
  1. 要树立正确的观念,建立科学的机制,为后备干部的成长创造良好的氛围。

    We should acquire correct ideology , establish scientific mechanism and create a favorable atmosphere for the development of the growth of the reserve cadres .

  2. 在省部级、地厅级和县处级后备干部中,少数民族所占的比例也分别达到46%、32%和35%。

    Among the reserve cadres at the provincial , prefecture and county levels , minority cadres account for 46 percent , 32 percent , and 35 percent , respectively .

  3. 完善后备干部培养考察和管理机制的思考

    On Consummating the Mechanism of Raise , Inspection and Administrative Reserve Cadres

  4. 五是注重培养年轻的后备干部

    Attach importance to cultivating young potential cadres

  5. 后备干部制度的建立,使接班人的培养选拔有了制度保证。

    The establishment of the system of reserve cadre guarantees the system of the training and selection of successors .

  6. 首先,对后备干部及后备干部选拔制度的内涵进行了界定。

    First of all , define the concept of The Reserve Cadre and connotation of The Reserve Cadre selection system .

  7. 其次,阐述后备干部选拔制度的理论基础,主要从制度和干部选拔思想两个方面进行。

    Secondly , this paper expounds theoretical basis of The Reserve Cadre selection system , mainly from two aspects like the system and cadres thought .

  8. 另一方面,大学生村官计划对于缓解紧张的大学生就业形势、合理利用人才资源、培养党政后备干部队伍意义重大。

    On the other hand , college-graduate village official plan is significant to ease college students ' employment situation , use talent resource reasonably and train the government cadres .

  9. 文中从农村集体经济、党的自身建设、后备干部培养等方面提出了贫困村村民自治存在的主要问题,并提出了相关的应对措施。

    The author has proposed some major problems from the aspects of rural collective economy , the self-construction of the Party and training of reserved cadres , and also put some countermeasures forward .

  10. 同时,笔者认为有效的后备干部任用机制离不开公正公平的选拔机制和严格的培养机制的两个前提条件。

    At the same time , I believe that an effective mechanism of appointment of the reserve cadres can not be separated from two prerequisites containing the fair and equitable selection mechanism and strict training mechanisms .

  11. 笔者认为加强包括任用机制在内的后备干部制度是符合我国当下党政干部管理要求的,因此要继续坚持这一有中国特色的干部人事制度。

    I believe that strengthening the reserve cadre system , including the appointment mechanism are all to meet the management requirements of our present party and government cadres , and therefore we should continue to adhere to the cadre and personnel system with Chinese characteristics .