
hòu xiàn dài zhǔ yì
  • postmodernism
  1. 后现代主义价值取向对当代中国大学生的影响

    Postmodernism on contemporary Chinese university student of value orientation of modernism

  2. 后现代主义反科学观辨析

    An Analysis of the " Anti-Science " View of Postmodernism

  3. 后现代主义者声称不存在客观事实。人们凭什么要相信他们呢?

    Postmodernists say there is no objective truth . Why should anyone believe them ?

  4. 这部电影驾轻就熟地借助圈内笑话、自我指认和后现代主义的隐喻,对过度文明的世界提出了质疑。

    Ripe with in-jokes , self-references , and post-modern metaphor , the movie questions a too-civilized world .

  5. 弗雷德里克·詹姆逊(FredricJameson)是二十世纪优秀的文化批评家,新马克思主义的杰出代表人物。他运用历史的、辩证的方法剖析后现代主义,把它作为晚期资本主义文化逻辑的主导形式。

    Fredric Jameson , the brilliant cultural critics in twenties century , is an outstanding representative of new Marxism applying historical and dialectical method to analyze postmodernism , taking it as the dominant form of the late capitalistic culture logic .

  6. 建设性后现代主义是一种整体有机论,它的理论基础是英国当代思想家阿尔弗里德·诺斯·怀特海(A.N.Whitehead)的过程哲学。

    Constructive Postmodernism is a kind of Integrate Organism which is based on the improvement of Process Philosophy of contemporary British philosopher Alfred · North · Whitehead .

  7. 约翰·福尔斯是一位优秀的英国后现代主义小说家。

    John Fowles is one of the excellent English postmodern novelists .

  8. 马克思与后现代主义都对传统主体概念进行了颠覆。

    K. Marx and Post-modernist both subvert traditional concept of subject .

  9. 女性主义教育批判&一种后现代主义教育观

    Feminism educational views ── A kind of postmodern views on education

  10. 二是“人本主义”是“年轻风貌”与“后现代主义”思潮二者兼备的核心内容。

    " Humanism " is the core of the two aspects .

  11. 福柯后现代主义视野下的微观权力哲学解读

    Study on Foucault 's Micro-Power Theory Under View of the Post-Modernism

  12. 废物雕塑所体现的后现代主义艺术精神

    The Spirit of Post Modernism Art Expressed by Sculptures in waste

  13. 儒家教育思想有明显的后现代主义特征。

    The Confucian educational thinking is obviously branded with post-modernism .

  14. 在这方面,后现代主义作出了有益的探索。

    This is a beneficial exploration in terms of postmodernism .

  15. 后现代主义科学观:渊源、特征与评析

    The Post-modernism View of Science : Origins Characteristics and Review

  16. 《白噪音》被普遍认为是后现代主义的经典之作。

    White Noise is generally recognized as the classic of the postmodernism .

  17. 台湾诗歌对后现代主义的接受与变形

    Taiwan poetry 's reception from the post-modernism of its metamorphosis and change

  18. 后现代主义与全球化背景下的教育理念

    Post-modernism and the Educational Idea under the Background of Globalization

  19. 人的终结和教育目的:后现代主义的现代意蕴

    Human End and Educational Purpose : the Enlightenment of Postmodernism

  20. 后现代主义视野下的中国大学系统

    China 's Higher Education System in the Perspective of Postmodernism

  21. 其三,杜尚反艺术与后现代主义美术的关系。

    Its three , Marcel Duchamp ' anti-art thoughts and postmodernism art .

  22. 追求个人生活兼容道德认可包容科技宗教差异后现代主义与当代青年价值生活中的几个问题

    Postmodernism and the Value Life of Today 's Young People

  23. 为此装饰在这设计中又再次兴起,形成了后现代主义设计。

    This decoration in the design again rise , form the postmodernism design .

  24. 后现代主义对教育评价研究的启示

    The Inspiration for Studies in Educational Evaluation from Post-modernism

  25. 后现代主义精神与魏晋玄学

    The Essence of Post Modernism and the Metaphysics During Wei and Jin Dynasties

  26. 后现代主义设计艺术化现象论析

    On the Art - oriented Post - modernistic Design

  27. 如何言之有物&分析哲学与后现代主义比较

    How To Speak With Meaning & A Comparison Between Analytic Philosophy and Post-Modernism

  28. 浅谈现代主义建筑与后现代主义建筑的差异

    Differences between modernism architecture and post - modernism architecture

  29. 谈后现代主义时装中的颠覆美学

    Talking About " Subversion Aesthetics " of Postmodernism Fashion

  30. 论《故事新编》的后现代主义文化意蕴(一)

    On the Cultural Implication of the Post-Modernism of " Newly Edited Stories "(ⅰ)