
  • 网络tolo harbour;Tolo Harbor
  1. 吐露港及赤门水质管制区

    Tolo Harbour and Channel Water Control Zone

  2. 分布于吐露港的二叠纪砂和泥质岩,均属于海陆沉积形成的产物。

    The sandy and muddy Permian rocks of Tolo Harbour are of marine and continental origins .

  3. 没错儿,那是吐露港。

    You 're right , it 's Tolo Harbor .

  4. 吐露港污水输出计划

    Tolo Harbour Effluent Export Scheme

  5. 这两条河在大埔市中心汇合,继而流入吐露港西部。

    The two rivers join in the town centre before flowing into the western part of Tolo harbour .

  6. 去年吐露港和西博寮海峡的两批很可能是难民,因繁殖地出了事故,暂时在本港水域停留。

    Last year 's flocks at Tolo Channels and West Lamma Channel were probably refugees taking temporary refuge in Hong Kong waters after some mishap at their breeding ground .

  7. 中国沿海甲藻孢囊分类、分布和孢囊形成动力学研究分布于吐露港的二叠纪砂和泥质岩,均属于海陆沉积形成的产物。

    Taxonomy , bio-distribution and production dynamics of dinoflagellate cyst from Recent Chinese marine sediments ; The sandy and muddy Permian rocks of Tolo Harbour are of marine and continental origins .