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  1. 从乡村社会向城镇社会转型;

    The transition from rural society to the urban society ;

  2. 农村剩余劳动力向城镇转移的单一模式已不适应中国的现实要求,应当寻求多种转移模式。

    China should seek multiple patterns and methods to solve the issue of rural surplus labor .

  3. 农民向城镇的迁移是世界各国现代化发展中的一个必然环节。

    Farmer migration to cities is the inevitable aspect of countries modernization developing in the world .

  4. 新的报告表示,每天大约有20万人口向城镇转移。

    The new report says almost two hundred thousand people move into cities and towns each day .

  5. 城镇化可表述为农村人口持续地向城镇转移的过程。

    Urbanization is generally expressed as the process of population shifting from the rural countryside to the urban sector .

  6. 强风和非常低的温度助长火势,并且推动大火继续烧向城镇。

    Strong wind and very low humiliate in single digit have let do strain of growth in fire pushing toward town .

  7. 我们发现,随着工业化、城镇化的快速推进,农村人口向城镇聚集势不可逆。

    We found that as industrialization , urbanization , rapid advancement of the rural population to cities and towns gathered momentum irreversible .

  8. 经济学认为,城镇化是各种非农产业发展的经济要素向城镇聚集的过程。

    Economics analysis , we usually think that town is changed is the development of non-agricultural economic elements to urban agglomeration process .

  9. 我国正处于城镇化的加速阶段,城镇人口数量快速增长,大量的农业人口需要向城镇转移。

    Our country is at the stage of the rapid development of urbanization : a rapid increase in the number of urban population .

  10. 按照西方发展经济学家的观点,城市化就是农村劳动力向城镇转移的过程。

    According to the view of the western development economists , it is a process in which therural labors transfer to the town .

  11. 经济适用住房:是指经各级人民政府批准立项建设、享受国家优惠政策、向城镇中低收入家庭出售的住房。

    Economic housing is policy commodity housing with welfare that the government provides preferential policies for and limits construction standard and sales price .

  12. 随着城镇化建设进程的不断发展,农业用地被大量征用,向城镇用地转化。

    With the unceasing development of the urbanization construction pace , the agricultural land is taken over massively , and transformed into cities land .

  13. 然而由于长期的城乡隔离导致农民要真正实现向城镇的迁移仍然十分艰难。

    However , because of the long-term isolation between urban and rural areas , it is still very difficult for peasants to realize migration .

  14. 农村城镇化动力就是促使农村各种要素向城镇集中的力量。

    Impetus of countryside urbanization is the strength of impelling various kinds of key elements in the countryside to concentrate to the cities and towns .

  15. 这种人口向城镇集聚和乡村变为城镇、城市范围不断扩大的过程称为城市化。

    The population gathers to town , village turn into cities and towns and urban range expands constantly , we call the phenomenon as urbanization .

  16. 随着工业化、城镇化的迅速发展,城市影响范围不断扩大,一些小型乡镇也有向城镇化方向发展的趋向。

    With the rapid development of industrialization and urbanization , influences of cities is increasingly enlarged , even many towns have the tendencies to urbanize .

  17. 对于农民向城镇迁移的研究可以有多个角度,国外既有从经济学领域研究的,也有从社会学领域研究的,但总体上的成果是从经济学角度得出的。

    There is research in the field of economics and sociology overseas , but the overall results are derived from the economic point of view .

  18. 江苏省区域经济发展不平衡,使得农村劳动力在向城镇转移的过程中也出现了一定的差异。

    In Jiangsu province , economic situation is different between different areas , thus there are also great differences in the transference of rural labors .

  19. 随着我国工业化和城镇化进程的不断加快,农村剩余劳动力逐渐开始向城镇转移。

    With the speeding up of industrialization and urbanization in our country , a large number of rural surplus labor forces are moving to cities .

  20. 如果中国效仿其他亚洲国家发放购物券的话,尤其是向城镇居民发放,可能会有所受益。

    If the Chinese follow the example of other Asian countries if the vouchers could be issued , especially to the urban residents , may benefit .

  21. 本文以浙江省为背景,试图从经济学角度基于企业选址理论来研究土地制度对现阶段乡镇企业是否向城镇有效集中的影响作用。

    This paper , based on enterprise location theory , studied the effect of land system on town enterprises get together into town in Zhejiang Province .

  22. 第三,分析了宜兴人口城市化的模式,把县域农村人口向城镇集中分为向小城镇、县城、区外转移及区外流入四种空间模式。

    Thirdly , the paper summarizes four models of population urbanization in Yixing : transferring to towns , county seat , areas out of county and immigrating in .

  23. 城镇化过程不仅体现了人口、空间及生活方式向城镇的转移,而且表现出产业结构的调整与升级。

    Urbanization process not only reflects the population , space and way of life move to town , but also shows the adjustment and upgrade of industrial structure .

  24. 近年来,由于农村青壮年劳动力向城镇的大规模流动,农村开始出现空心化并呈现逐渐普遍之势。

    In recent years , large-scale of young labor force in rural areas are flowing to urban areas and the hollowing out of rural areas become more common .

  25. 中国经济社会的发展已经进入工业化和城镇化快速发展的历史阶段,农村劳动力向城镇转移是一个必然的趋势。

    The Chinese social and economic development has entered into a historical stage that industrialization and urbanization develop rapidly . Rural labor flowing into towns is an inevitable trend .

  26. 多元城镇化道路是西部城镇化道路的客观选择,其具体内容包括:农村人口向城镇迁移的多元化;

    Varied ways is objective selection of the western cities and towns ways . The concrete content includes the variety of the rural population moving to cities and towns ;

  27. 城镇廉租住房是政府向城镇低收入家庭提供租金补贴或者以低廉的租金配租的具有社会保障性质的普通住房。

    Urban low-rent housing is that for the government to low-income urban families with rent subsidies or low rent allocated to the renter with social security the nature of ordinary housing .

  28. 随着城乡一体化的纵深发展,农村向城镇的迁移人口也在不断扩大,城镇人口迅速增长。

    Along with the development of the city and countryside integration , the migration population from countryside is expanding increasingly , so the number of urban population is in explosive growth .

  29. 各土地利用类型都存在不同程度的向城镇建设用地转化的现象,林地和牧草地是城镇建设用地扩展的主要来源。

    Various types of land-use have varying degrees of transformation to the phenomenon of urban construction land , woodland and pasture land for urban construction is the main source of expansion .

  30. 同时研究发现,这个时期各植被类型向城镇村及工矿用地的转移率及贡献率均明显高于上一研究期。

    And it was also found that the transfer rate and contribution rate of the vegetation cover type turning into the residential land in 2000-2007 had been higher than in 1988-2000.4 .