
  1. 吕勇表示称,随着政府对福喜的不断调查,六名高管已被逮捕。

    Lu said six OSI China executives have been detained amid an ongoing probe over the company .

  2. 吕勇认为福喜中国仍将继续,并对前景表示乐观。

    However , Lu said OSI China will continue to remain in the market , and is optimistic on its prospects .

  3. 集团中国区首席财务官吕勇称,“过期肉”事件之后,福喜在中国关闭了三个肉类加工工厂,甚至与蔬菜有关的业务也受到了影响。

    Lu Yong , OSI China 's chief financial officer , said the company halted operations at three meat processing factories in China after the scandal and business even related to vegetable processing was also hurt .