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jūn lín
  • King's Landing;govern;rule as a monarch
君临 [jūn lín]
  • (1) [rule]∶原指君主统辖,后泛指统治

  • 君临天下

  • 君临一切

  • (2) [come; approach]∶来临

  • 在黑暗君临的前一刻,整个世界显得那样静谧

  1. 从我无意中听到的一些谈话片断可以推断,他们在这里达成了交易,敲定了收购——就像维斯特洛南部富庶的首都君临城(King'sLanding)中诡计多端的廷臣的现代版。

    From snatches of conversation I overhear , deals are done here , and takeovers hatched - a modern take on the scheming courtiers of King 's Landing , the affluent , southern capital of Westeros .

  2. 他怀疑班柯的后嗣会君临苏格兰。

    He asks if Banquo 's issue shall reign in Scotland .

  3. 那么君临城内将出现新的紧张局势。

    it could bring some new tensions in King 's Landing .

  4. 在君临。你不能相信任何人。

    You can 't trust anyone in King 's Landing .

  5. 那我会去君临的.但不是一个人去.立刻召集封臣.

    I 'll go to King 's Landing . But not alone .

  6. 你怎么知道我来君临的?

    How did you know I was coming to King 's Landing ?

  7. 金袍子来离君临这么远的地方做什么?

    What are Gold Cloaks doing so far from King 's Landing ?

  8. 那么我现在已经君临全世界了。

    I 'd be emperor of the world by now .

  9. 你来君临做什么?

    What are you doing in King 's Landing ?

  10. 在冰雪君临大地之前旋风就将世界卷向燃烧着的毁灭之火。

    The world to that destructive fire which burns before the ice-cap reigns .

  11. 让我唱一首令尊在君临大捷的歌吧!

    I can sing of your father 's victory at King 's Landing !

  12. 带我到君临城门我会的

    Get me to the gates of King 's Landing and I will .

  13. 如果她已经逃离了君临。临冬城怕是最合情合理的去处。

    If she 's escaped the capital , Winterfell seems the logical destination .

  14. 一个君临的小伙子怎么流落到自由兵团里来了?

    How does a King 's Landing lad end up with a free company ?

  15. 你被传唤前往君临对新任国王宣誓效忠。

    You 're summoned to King 's Landing to swearfealty to the new king .

  16. 他在君临之战中表现很英勇。

    He fought bravely at King 's Landing .

  17. 据说还说君临的下水沟里还藏着上百万的老鼠呢。

    They say a million rats live in the sewers of King 's Landing .

  18. 我骑马去君临。

    I 'll ride to King 's Landing .

  19. 你启程去君临。

    You will go to King 's Landing .

  20. 早晨的空气里充斥着一股浓重的熟悉的君临之臭。

    The morning air was thick with the old familiar stinks of King 's Landing .

  21. 当我们夺下君临的国库你就可以取走你的酬劳

    You 'll have your gold when we take the treasury at King 's Landing .

  22. 难道他们来得太迟,兰尼斯特家已经抢先一步抵达了君临?

    Were they too late , had the Lannisters reached King 's Landing before her ?

  23. 你知道坦格利安家孩子们的下场吗…当君临城陷的时候?

    Do you know what happened to the Targaryen children when the Mad King fell ?

  24. 玛瑙&骄傲热情,君临天下;

    Onyx proud passion , reigns ;

  25. 您若是不信,大可把君临每一家打铁铺都走过一遍,自己比较比较。

    Visit every forge in King 's Landing if you like , and compare for yourself .

  26. 我将派你的一个堂弟南下君临去传达我的和谈条件

    I 'm sending one of your cousins down to King 's Landing with my peace terms .

  27. 让我为您唱一首歌颂令尊大人君临大捷的歌罢!

    Let me sing you the lay of your father 's great victory at King 's Landing !

  28. 当这群人问二丫她要去哪儿时,她回答君临城。

    When the men ask Arya where she 's headed , she tells them King 's Landing .

  29. 我会告诉你这种刀全君临只有一把,

    I would have told you that there was only one knife like this at King 's Landing .

  30. 说真的,他在很久以前在君临时酒已经死了。

    And if truth be told , he had perished long ago , back in King 's Landing .