
  1. 汪莱何时始在吴中课馆,习算?

    When did Wang Lai start his mathematical research in Wuzhong ?

  2. 吴中医学的传统特色及其开发价值

    Traditional Features of Medicine in Wuzhong District and Value of Its Exploitation

  3. 徐祯卿吴中时期各种思想的兼融与地域性

    Fusion and Regional Features of Different Thoughts in Wuzhong period

  4. 凯联电子科技有限公司是苏州吴中科技园的高科技企业。

    In Suzhou Wuzhong Science Park is the high-tech enterprises .

  5. 明中叶吴中派研究

    Study on the Wuzhong School in the Middle of the Ming Dynasty

  6. 他早期是吴中派的重要成员。

    In his early days he was an important member of Wuzhong school .

  7. 苏州市吴中区肠道线虫感染调查

    Intestinal helminth infections in Wuzhong district , suzhou City

  8. 苏州吴中区农田土壤中持久性有毒污染物调查

    Investigation of Persistent Toxic Substances in Agricultural Soil of Wuzhong District , Suzhou

  9. 苏州市吴中区临湖镇浦庄,合安路。

    He'an Road , Puzhuang , Linhu Town , Wuzhong District , Suzhou .

  10. 关于发展吴中民俗旅游的思考

    Reflections on the Development of Wuzhong Folk Custom Tourism

  11. 第四节分析了吴中文学与他域文学的汇通现象。

    The fourth part explores the merging between Wuzhong and other areas in literature .

  12. 苏州市吴中区土壤重金属含量分析与评估

    The Analysis and Evaluation of the Content of Heavy Metal in Wuzhou Suzhou Area

  13. 知道了!我住在吴中,我现在很无聊啊。

    Know ! I live in the Wu , I am very bored ah .

  14. 相对于其他地区,明初吴中文学对明朝翰林院文学创作的影响甚微。

    Comparatively , Wuzhong School made little influence on Hanlin Academy in early Ming Dynasty .

  15. 试论吴文化对吴中四士的影响

    A Tentative Exposition of the Influence of the Wu Culture on Four Persons of Wu Zhong

  16. 苏州市吴中区农村饮用水与环境卫生现状调查

    Survey on Drinking water Status and Environmental Sanitation in Rural Areas of Wuzhong District of Suzhou

  17. 元中后期吴中五家诗文集汇考

    On the Systematic Textual Research of Wuzhong 's Five Poetic Collections in the Mid and Late Yuan Dynasty

  18. 作为吴中文人,高启和杨基都曾经间接或直接地参与过张士诚政权。

    Gao qi and Yangji as literator of Wuzhong were involved in Zhang Shicheng regime directly or indirectly .

  19. 晚明女性文学,尤其集中在环太湖一带的吴中地区的文学世家群体中,吴江叶氏午梦堂一门是其中的范型。

    It centralized literature family clan groups at the area Wu-zhong , which is a belt around Tai lake .

  20. 农村建设用地整理与社会主义新农村建设&以苏州吴中区农村为例

    Construction-land Consolidation of Countryside and Construction of Socialist New & Countryside a Case Study of Countryside in Wuzhong District

  21. 第四章,对吴中区工业用地价格水平进行研究,分析工业地价的形成机制。

    Chapter four gives an analysis of the price and its mechanism formation of industrial land in this area .

  22. 元末明初吴中文学研究综述

    Summary of the Study on Literature of Wuzhong District at the Intersection of the Yuan Dynasty and the Ming Dynasty

  23. 综合论述了吴中医学的传统特色及其开发应用价值。

    This paper deals with the traditional features of medicine in the Wuzhong District and the value of its exploitation .

  24. 根据对影响水环境规划的5个子系统的评价,本文进一步研究了吴中区水环境规划指标的筛选。

    Based on the impact of water environment systems in Wuzhong District Planning , the water environment indicators have been studied .

  25. 总之,无论是从群落之构成,还是文学风格之消长,都反映出吴中文学有一个发生、发展和沦歇的过程。

    In a word , either the forming of Wuzhong literati or their literary style reflected a process of developing and declining .

  26. 这期间,吴宽等吴中书画文人为这一转变作出了巨大贡献。

    During the period painting and calligraphy literati in Wu zhong such as Wu Kuan etc. made great contribution to the change .

  27. 在此基础上,将四个时期的属性数据与空间数据集成,生成吴中区土地资源数据库。

    On this basis , the attribute and spatial data of four periods was integrated , which made up the land resource database in Wuzhong Country .

  28. 他是后七子之一,与吴中诗人也有密切往来,而且从少年时代起就积极进行通俗文学创作。

    As one of the members of a famous group , he kept in close contact with the poets in Wuzhong and started to create light literature early .

  29. 在明代弘治、正德时期的文学思想新变中,吴中作家表现尤其突出。

    In the new change of literary ideology during the reign of Hongzhi and Zhengde in Ming dynasty , the writers in lower Yangtze valley were active in particular .

  30. 从两地医家群体的学术特色与成就看,吴中与新安医家有共通之处,但又各具特色,学术倾向有别。

    The doctors of Wuzhong and Xin ' an had something in common , judging from academic features and achievements , but they each had their own academic propensity .