
  1. 彩色雨&吴冠中绘画境界初探

    Color Rain & Preliminary Discussion of Artistic Realm of Wu Guanzhong

  2. 吴冠中先生认为抽象美是形式美的核心。

    Mr. Wu believes that abstract is the center of aesthetics of form .

  3. 吴家粉本&中国现代艺术史中的吴冠中

    Pattern of the Wus & Wu Guanzhong in the History of Chinese Modern Art

  4. 从吴冠中的艺术道路看当代美术教育

    From the Road of Wu Guanzhong 's Art to Look the Contemporary Art Education

  5. 吴冠中先生不仅是美术家,同时是美术教育家、散文家。

    Mr. Wu is not only a painter but also an educationist and essayist .

  6. 与一般观众的印象不同,吴冠中不是一个超脱、淡泊的艺术家。

    Unlike most audience impression , Wu is not a detached and indifferent artist .

  7. 若干中国艺术馆将为吴冠中作品展提供作品。

    Chinese museums will contribute to an exhibit space for the artist Wu Guanzhong .

  8. 吴冠中的艺术特色在于他对绘画形式美感的把握。

    Wu Guanzhong 's grasp on the art form of beauty is his greatest artistic characteristics .

  9. 吴冠中和他的艺术

    Wu Guanzhong and His Art

  10. 作为教师的吴冠中

    Wu Guanzhong as a Teacher

  11. 在吴冠中内心深处,潜藏着执着、抗争和叛逆的种子。

    The seeds of perseverance , resistance and rebellion are hidden in the depth of Wu heart .

  12. 知识分子的天职是推翻成见&吴冠中写作生涯与艺术论争

    The Duty of Intellectuals Is to Eliminate Prejudices : Wu Guanzhong 's Career of Writing and Artistic Disputes

  13. 对色彩和点、线节奏的敏感,是吴冠中在艺术上的优胜之处。

    The sensitivity to color and the rhythm of dot and line is really Wu strongpoint in art .

  14. 最后,文章阐释了吴冠中绘画点线面的价值及其给予我们的启示。

    Finally , we discuss the value and enlightenment of his points , lines and surfaces to us .

  15. 在20世纪中国绘画史上,吴冠中是一位具有特殊意义的人物。

    In the history of 20th century Chinese painting , Wu Guanzhong is a figure of special significance .

  16. 其中吴冠中绘画作品中的抽象形式,以及他所诠释的抽象同西方的抽象派是有本质的区别的。

    The abstract form in his work and the concept he annotates is distinct with western abstract painting essentially .

  17. 吴冠中是20世纪后期中国画坛无法忽略也无可代替的人物。

    In Chinese painting circles in the later stage of the20th century , Wu is a non-negligible and irreplaceable figure .

  18. 本文从艺术经历、风格特征、艺术思想三方面对吴冠中进行总结性研究。

    This paper makes a holistic study of Wu Guanzhong 's artistic experience , features of style and ideas on art .

  19. 第三章就中国写意油画代表人物吴冠中先生成就,论证油画的写意语言特征的精神源头。

    Chapter representatives on Chinese Painting Wu Guanzhong , achievements , demonstration freehand painting the spirit of the source language features .

  20. 关于中国人美盲更比文盲多的学术批评&与吴冠中先生商榷

    Academic Criticism on " More People Ignorant of Fine Arts than Illiterates " in China : A Discussion with Mr. Wu Guanzhong

  21. 本文从问题提出的历史语境出发看待吴冠中的写作,从艺术批评史角度重新作出评价。

    This paper sees Wu 's writings from the perspective of historical context and reevaluates them from the historical angle of art criticism .

  22. 在中国的绘画史上,吴冠中的特殊意义是开辟了一条跨越传统的程式,融汇中西艺术的道路。

    In Chinese painting history , Wu 's special significance lies in opening a path transcending traditional patterns and integrating Chinese and western arts .

  23. 吴冠中绘画作品的典型特征:万点飞舞,万线如流引起了众多学者的关注。

    Wu Guanzhong painting typical characteristics : 10 000 points , dancing , million lines such as the flow caused the concern of many scholars .

  24. 当代中美军队思想政治教育比较研究从吴冠中的艺术道路看当代美术教育

    The Comparative Study of Military Ideological and Political Education between China and the United States From the Road of Wu Guanzhong 's Art to Look the Contemporary Art Education

  25. 这种线,可以视为林风眠、吴冠中背离传统的迅疾流畅的线在新的意义上对传统的回望。

    This lines Sherman Lin used , which are also used by Lin Fengmian and Wu Guangzhong , are a kind of salute to the old tradition in their seeking the meaning of modern art .

  26. 自那以来,这些作品的价格大幅提高,达到了相当高的水平,即便还赶不上毕加索作品的身价:2011年11月,吴冠中的一幅风景油画以创纪录的2350万美元售出。

    Those prices increased spectacularly in the intervening period , reaching respectable , if not quite Picasso-esque , levels : an oil on paper landscape by Wu Guanzhong sold for a record $ 23.5m in November 2011 .

  27. 论文的第四部分选择了油画民族化进程中两位重要艺术家:徐悲鸿和吴冠中,作为写实油画和抽象油画的各自代表,分阶段、举作品进行详细分析。

    In the fourth part of the selection process of the two important Oil Painting Artist : Xu and Wu Guanzhong , realistic oil paintings and abstract paintings as their respective representatives , phased , detailed analysis of works cited .

  28. 以吴冠中为代表的当代画家群,以及全国各地画院领导高度关注当代中国画院的生存和发展,纷纷献计献策,以实现当代中国画院现代化的转型。

    In contemporary artist wu guanzhong as a representative of the group , as well as a leading concern nationwide contemporary Chinese artist , have the survival and development of zhenhai , in order to realize the transformation of contemporary Chinese art academies modernization .