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  1. 借助Maple软件,采用吴方法及改进的齐次平衡法,研究了一类非线性演化方程的精确行波解。

    With the help of software Maple , Wu 's method and Improved Homogeneous Balance Method are used to study exact traveling solutions of a kind of nonlinear evolution equation .

  2. 长篇叙事吴歌产生及繁荣原因初探

    Exploratory Research on Causes of the Appearance and Prosperity of Lengthy Narrative Wu Poetry

  3. 杀人后,他打开装有汽油的矿泉水瓶,把汽油倒在吴某身上及室内地面上,点着后,携带劫得的财物骑车逃离现场。

    After the murder , he opened the bottle of mineral water with gasoline , poured petrol on the body and interior Wu on the ground , lit , carrying stolen property was riding fled the scene .

  4. 第一章,吴藻生平考及作品版本考。

    The first chapter , Wu Zao biography tests and the work edition tests .

  5. 本文阐述了吴文化的精华及现代价值,对吴文化的创新和发展也作了充分论述。

    This thesis expounds the essence and modern value of Wu Culture , meanwhile , it makes a full discussion about development and innovation of Wu Culture .