
  1. 吴雪松打开了餐厅的一扇窗户,用手指着一个黑黢黢的新建住宅小区,那里只有几盏灯亮着。

    Mr. Wu slides open a dining-room window and points to the dark shadow of a new apartment complex , where only a handful of lights are on .

  2. 常州是长江边上的一座城市。吴雪松(音)是这座城市里的一名教授,他说他作为投资几年前买下的一套公寓的价值已经翻了一番,现在第二套房也升值了。

    Wu Xuesong , a professor in this city on the Yangtze , says he doubled his money on an apartment he bought as an investment some years back and is ahead on a second .