
xī ɡuānɡ ɡuānɡ dù fǎ
  • absorption photometry
  1. 重铬酸钾吸光光度法测定硫含量

    Determination of Sulphur Content by Potassium Dichromate Absorption Photometry

  2. 黄磷生产电尘浆中镓含量的测定&罗丹明B吸光光度法

    Determination of Gallium from Dust Slurry in the Production of Yellow Phosphorous

  3. I2&淀粉吸光光度法间接测定维生素C

    Indirect Determination of Vitamin Cby Spectrophotometry with Iodine-Starch System

  4. 高锰酸氧化罗丹明B褪色吸光光度法测定微量锰

    Spectrophotometric Determination of Microamount of manganese by the oxidation color fading reaction of permanganate with Rhodamine B

  5. 双波长K系数&标准加入吸光光度法同时测定锰和锌

    Simultaneous determination of manganese and zinc by the standard addition - DW - Spectrophotometry

  6. 薄层树脂相吸光光度法同时测定痕量Fe(Ⅲ)和Fe(Ⅱ)的研究

    Study on the determination of trace iron (ⅲ) and iron (ⅱ) by thin resin phase spectrophotometry

  7. 支持向量回归-吸光光度法同时测定溶液中的Pb,Cd,Zn

    Support vector regression applied to simultaneous determination of Pb , Cd , Zn by spectrophotometric method

  8. 采用一阶导数紫外吸光光度法在pH≤7时直接同时测定苯酚和对苯二酚。

    Phenol and hydroquinone are directly determined at an acidity of pH ≤ 7 by the first derivative UV spectrophotometry .

  9. 用原子吸光光度法(ASS)测定了母液中钴、锰离子浓度,从而定量反应过程中Mn的沉淀量。

    Cobalt and manganese concentration in the mother liquor were obtain by AAS .

  10. 利用有机萃取剂18-冠醚-6将Sr(Ⅱ)定量萃取分离后,采用吸光光度法对Sr(Ⅱ)进行定量分析。

    Sr (ⅱ) can be quantitatively separated by using 18 crone 6 as extractant , and determinated by spectrophotometry .

  11. 以芦丁为对照品用吸光光度法,通过L9(34)正交试验,优选了工业参数。

    The best conditions were chosen through L9 ( 34 ) orthographic experiments by adsorptive photospectrum based on rutin as standard substance .

  12. 叙述了以酸性铬蓝K(ACBK)为显色剂,采用双波长吸光光度法对钙、镁的同时测定。

    A method for simultaneous determination of calcium and magnesium has been developed by using Dual-wave length spectrum photometry and K ( AcBk ) as color reagent .

  13. 本文对化学计量学在吸光光度法、荧光光度法、ICP-AES等稀土分析中的应用进行评述,并指出了化学计量学在稀土分析应用中的发展方向。

    The application of chemometrics in rare earth analysis by spectrophotometry , spectrofluorimetry and ICP AES etc. has been reviewed in this paper , and prospects of chemometrics in rare earth analysis have been discussed .

  14. 邻硝基苯基荧光酮(oNPF)吐温(Tween)80吸光光度法测定钢铁中微量钼

    Absorption Spectrophotometric Determination of Trace of Molybdenum ( Mo ) in Steel by Mo ( VI ) - o-Nitrophenylfluorone ( o-NPF ) - Tween 80

  15. 倍增反应紫外吸光光度法测定食盐中微量碘

    Photometric Determination of Iodine in Table Salt by a Times-increasing Reaction

  16. 树脂相吸光光度法连续测定水中钯和铑

    Continuous Determination of Palladium and Rhodium in Water by Resin Spectrophotometry

  17. 双波长吸光光度法测定植物中黄酮含量

    Study on the dual wavelength spectrophotometric determination of flavonoids in plants

  18. 比光谱-导数吸光光度法及其应用与进展

    Recent advance of the application of ratio - spectra derivative spectrophotometry

  19. 一阶导数吸光光度法直接测定饮用水中镁

    Determination of magnesium in drinking water by the first derivative spectrophotometry

  20. 薄层树脂相吸光光度法测定化学试剂中痕量铁

    Teh thin layer resin phase spectrophotometry determination of traces iron in reagents

  21. 多元线性回归在吸光光度法测量氨基酸组分中的应用

    Applications of multicomponent amino acid in linear regression spectrophotometric determination

  22. 全差示吸光光度法测定矿石中广泛含量钛

    To Determine Extensive Quantity Titanium in Mineral by Complete Staggered Differential Absorptiometry

  23. 偶氮羧Ⅰ吸光光度法测定铜合金中铝

    Spectrophotometric Determination of Aluminium in Copper Alloys with Carboxyazo I

  24. 偶氮氯膦-DBF吸光光度法测定药物中铋

    Photometric determination of bismuth in drugs with CPA - DBF

  25. 借助吸光光度法,运用电化学原理,对用电解法分析铝青铜中夹杂物作了初步研究。

    The spectrophotometry was applied for determining sandwich of aluminum-bronze with electro-analysis .

  26. 吸光光度法测定裂解气压缩机注水中溶解氧

    Photometric determination of dissolved oxygen in injected water of cracking gas compressor

  27. GB/T2590.3-1981氧化锆、氧化铪中硅量的测定硅钼蓝吸光光度法

    Zirconium and hafnium oxides Determination of silicon content Silicon-molybdenum blue photometric method

  28. 因子分析-紫外吸光光度法同时测定苯酚甲苯酚和间苯二酚

    Simultaneous UV-Spectrophotometric Determination of phenol cresol and resorcinol using factor analysis method

  29. 硫氰酸盐直接吸光光度法测定钢铁中钼含量

    Absorptiometric determination of content of molybdenum in iron and steel with thiocyanate

  30. 研究硝酸银吸光光度法测定高纯二氧化锗中痕量砷的新方法。

    Control of arsenic content in the production of high-purity germanium dioxide ;