
  • 网络Adsorption desulfurization
  1. FCC汽油非临氢吸附脱硫的研究

    Study on Adsorption Desulfurization of FCC Gasoline

  2. 在实验室固定床中试装置上以硫含量为1290μg/g的FCC汽油为原料对FCC汽油吸附脱硫工艺(LADS技术)的工艺条件进行了考察。

    The operating conditions of the adsorption desulfurization process of FCC naphtha ( LADS technology ) were investigated with a feedstock contained 1290 μ g / g of sulfur in a laboratory fixed-bed reactor .

  3. 复合吸附脱硫剂的制备及其脱除SO2实验生物质焦吸附脱除烟气中SO2和NOx的研究

    Preparation of compound desulphurization agent and study on its removal of SO_2

  4. Cu(Ⅰ)Y分子筛对不同硫化物的选择性吸附脱硫

    Adsorptive Desulfurization of Different Sulfur Compounds on Cu (ⅰ) Y Zeolites

  5. 猝冷骨架Ni样品的制备、表征、催化及吸附脱硫性质研究

    Rapidly Quenched Skeletal Ni : Preparation , Characterization , Catalytic and Adsorptive Desulfurization Properties

  6. 噻吩在猝冷骨架Ni上吸附脱硫的XPS研究

    XPS Study on Adsorptive Desulfurization of Thiophene over Rapidly Quenched Skeletal Ni

  7. FCC汽油吸附脱硫复合金属氧化物吸附剂研究

    Study on Complex Metal Oxide Adsorbent of FCC Gasoline Adsorption Desulfurization

  8. FCC汽油吸附脱硫工艺脱附剂的研究

    Study on desorption agent for FCC NAPHTHA DESULFURIZATION by adsorption process

  9. 磁性Cu(Ⅰ)-Y分子筛的制备及其在磁稳定床中吸附脱硫的研究

    Study on the preparation of magnetic cu (ⅰ) - y zeolite and its desulfurization performance in magnetically stabilized bed

  10. 活性半焦在FCC柴油吸附脱硫中的应用研究

    Absorptive desulfurization of FCC diesel over activated semi-coke

  11. 硫化催化裂化(FCC)汽油吸附脱硫工艺的研究进展

    The Research Progress of the Absorption Desulfurization Technology of Fluid Catalytic Cracking ( FCC ) Gasoline

  12. NaY分子筛的改性及对FCC汽油选择吸附脱硫的研究

    Study on the selective adsorptive desulfurization of FCC naphtha by modified zeolite Y

  13. 利用活性半焦对FCC柴油进行固定床吸附脱硫实验。

    Absorptive desulfurization of FCC diesel over activated semi-coke ( AC ) was studied in fixed bed reactor .

  14. 活化条件影响γ-Al2O3膜/污泥活性炭吸附脱硫机理活性炭改性及对生物转盘挂膜性能的影响

    Effects mechanism of activation conditions on desulfurization properties of activated carbon from sewage sludge modified by υ - al_2o_3 membrane

  15. 重点考察Ni、Zn改性分子筛对吸附脱硫效果的影响,并进一步考察它们的最佳制备条件,汽油中芳烃的影响等。

    The investigation of adsorption effects on the desulfurization were focused on Ni , Zn modified molecular sieves , their best preparation conditions and the impacts of aromatics in gasoline were studied .

  16. 载锌5A分子筛在汽油模拟体系中吸附脱硫性能的研究

    Study of adsorptive desulfurization performance of 5A molecular sieve loaded with Zn ~ ( 2 + ) in model gasoline

  17. 综述了国内外开发和应用的FCC汽油非临氢脱硫技术,该技术主要有生物脱硫、催化裂化脱硫、吸附脱硫、溶剂抽提脱硫、烷基化脱硫、氧化脱硫和膜分离脱硫等;

    This article reviews the development and application of FCC gasoline non-hydrodesulfurization ( non-HDS ) technologies at home and abroad . The non-HDS technologies mainly include biological treatment , catalytic cracking , adsorption , extraction , alkylation , oxidation and membrane ( separation ) technology .

  18. 微波法制备Ce-Y分子筛的吸附脱硫性能

    Adsorption of Sulfur-Containing Compounds on Cerium-Exchanged Y Zeolite Prepared by Microwave

  19. 烟炱和石灰粉混合物吸附脱硫试验

    A test on flue gas desulfurization with lime and smoke dust

  20. 柴油吸附脱硫活性炭改性吸附剂研究

    Study on modified active carbon adsorbents for desulfurization of diesel oil

  21. 吸附脱硫和吸附分离烯烃是选择性吸附分离技术两个主要的应用方面。

    Selective adsorption is mainly used in desulfurization and separation of alkene .

  22. 活性炭吸附脱硫影响因素的实验研究

    The Influence Factors on Absorption of SO_2 by Activated Carbon

  23. 吸附脱硫及分子模拟计算应用的研究进展

    Progress of adsorptive desulfurization and application calculated via molecular simulations

  24. 高硫柴油吸附脱硫剂的研究

    Adsorbents for Removing Sulfur in High Sulfur - Containing Diesel

  25. 催化裂化汽油非临氢吸附脱硫新技术

    A new technology of adsorption desulfurization for FCC gasoline without hydrogen presence

  26. 流化催化裂化汽油吸附脱硫金属氧化物吸附剂

    Adsorption Desulfurization of Complex Metal Oxide Adsorbent for Fluid Catalytic Cracking Gasoline

  27. 新型复合分子筛的制备及其吸附脱硫性能研究

    Preparation and adsorption desulfurization performance evaluation of new composite zeolite

  28. 吸附脱硫技术在清洁汽油生产中的研究与应用进展

    New Research Progresses of Absorptive Desulfurization Technology in the Production of Clean Fuel

  29. 杂原子分子筛的二次合成及其选择性吸附脱硫性能

    Deep Desulfurization by Selective Adsorption on a Heteroatoms Zeolite Prepared by Secondary Synthesis

  30. 不同硫化物在改性Y分子筛上的选择性吸附脱硫性能及机理

    Selective adsorption desulfurization performance and mechanism of sulfur compounds over modified Y zeolite