
fū nán xī lín
  • Furacilin;nitrofurazone
  1. 呋喃西林及其代谢物残留检测研究进展

    Research Progress on Determination of Nitrofurazone and Its Metabolite Residue

  2. 电子束辐照下呋喃西林代谢产物降解的质谱检测

    Mass Spectrum Detection of Nitrofurazone Metabolite ′ s Degraded by Electronic Beam Irradiation

  3. HPLC测定呋喃西林脚气粉中呋喃西林的含量

    Determination of Nitrofurazone in Nitrofurazone Powder for Beriberi by HPLC

  4. 在伤口污染4小时后用灭呋液(灭滴灵+呋喃西林)局部治疗,动物存活率为94.4%(P<0.01),伤口内未检出产气荚膜杆菌。

    The survival rate was 94.4 % ( P < 0.01 ) and no more germs were found in the wounds .

  5. 呋喃西林膀胱冲洗对直肠癌Miles术后排尿的影响

    The affect of bladder rinsing with Nitrofural solution on emiction after Miles operation for rectal carcinoma

  6. 观察组采用七及汤含服,对照组以0.02%呋喃西林液含漱、口服维生素B、静脉输注灭滴灵。

    The former were given Qiji decoction gargle , and the latter were given 0.02 % furacilin gargle , vitamine B orally and metronidazole intravenously .

  7. 分别用清口液、生理盐水和呋喃西林溶液进行口腔护理,并观察比较三组口腔护理前后的pH值变化、细菌培养及临床疗效。

    The changes of pH , bacterial culture and clinical effectiveness before and after oral nursing care was compared among the three groups .

  8. Thomas液。HPLC法测定复方替硝唑漱口液中替硝唑和呋喃西林的含量

    Thomas solution during orthotopic heart transplantation . Contents Determination of Metronidazole and Furacilin in its Collut with HPLC Method

  9. 也有关于ICU使用洗必泰溶液、呋喃西林、甲硝唑、碳酸氢钠、双氧水、稀释碘伏溶液及各种中药制剂等进行口腔护理的报道。

    Reports on the use of chlorhexidine solution , metronidazole , sodium bicarbonate , hydrogen peroxide , diluted povidone iodine solution , and herbal preparations , and so on were also found .

  10. B组用1:5000呋喃西林溶液替代0.2%透明质酸钠溶液,方法类同A组,观察两组用药后临床症状评分及治疗前后尿动力学指标。

    The patients in group B were treated by the same method , however , the furacilin solution at a dilution of 1:5000 was used instead of 0.2 % sodium hyaluronate . Evaluate the clinical symptoms and urodynamics of the 2 groups before and after treatment .

  11. 呋喃西林(Nitrofural)是硝基呋喃类药物的一种。

    Nitrofural is a kind of nitrofuran .

  12. 结果:该制剂为淡黄色澄明黏稠凝胶,盐酸麻黄碱、呋喃西林、地塞米松磷酸钠平均回收率分别为99.69%,98.57%,99.00%,RSD分别为1.19%,2.68%,2.30%。

    RESULTS The nasal gel was yellow , clear and thick . The average recoveries of ephedrine hydrochloride , furacilin and dexamethasone sodium phosphate were 99.69 % , 98.57 % and 99.00 % . The RSD were 1.19 % , 2.68 % and 2.30 % .

  13. 光和热对呋喃西林水溶液稳定性的影响

    Effect of light and heat on the stability of furacilin aqueous solution

  14. 呋喃西林气囊上冲洗对呼吸机相关性肺炎的影响

    The effects of furacilin on ventilator associated pneumonia by washing on aerocyst

  15. 偶氮甲酰胺分解产生呋喃西林代谢物的相关性研究

    Study of the correlation about Azodicarbonamide decomposing to semicarbazide

  16. 呋喃西林溶液处方的改进及质量控制

    The improvement and quality control on furacilin solution prescription

  17. 目的制备高浓度且质量稳定的呋喃西林溶液。

    Objective To prepare the furacilin solution with higher concentration and stable quality .

  18. 目的提高呋喃西林溶液(低温储藏期)的稳定性。

    AIM To improve the stability of furacilin solution especially in low temperature .

  19. 系数倍率法测定呋喃西林炉甘石洗剂中呋喃西林和苯酚的含量

    Determinaton of Furacilin & Phenol in Furacilin and Calamine Lotion by K-ratio Spectrophotometry

  20. 对照组则用1∶5000的呋喃西林溶液灌肠。

    While 1 ∶ 5 000 furacilin solution will be used to control group .

  21. 目的研究呋喃西林粉用于宫颈糜烂微波治疗术后的临床效果。

    [ Objective ] Research on the efficacy of microwave-furacilin therapy against cervix erosion .

  22. 目的:建立合理的无菌呋喃西林溶液无菌检查方法并进行方法验证。

    Objective : To construct the reasonable method to validate aseptic test for furacilin solution .

  23. 结论以0.02%苯甲酸作为呋喃西林溶液助溶剂效果最为理想。

    Conclusion The 0.02 % benzoic acid acted for hydrotropic agent was the best of all .

  24. 考察了不同灭菌时间及储存过程对呋喃西林溶液稳定性的影响。

    The influence of sterilization time and storage time on the stability of Nitroflural Solution was studied .

  25. 目的研究呋喃西林氧化锌搽剂中氧化锌的含量测定方法。

    Aim To study a method for determination of zinc oxide in furacilin and zinc oxide liniment .

  26. 本文报导18种呋喃西林类似物及其过渡金属配合物的抗细菌活性。所用金属配合物为首次合成。

    In this paper , the bacteriostatic activity of furacilin , furacilin analogues and their metal complexes is reported .

  27. 一种大气偏振信息检测算法的实现与分析呋喃西林代谢物荧光偏振免疫检测方法研究

    Implementing and Analysis of a Measuring Method on Sky Polarization Parameters Determination of Nitrofurazone Metabolite Using Fluorescence Polarisation Immunoassay

  28. 0.02%呋喃西林溶液治疗接触性皮炎的疗效观察及护理

    Observation on therapeutic effect of 0.02 % aldomycin solution to treat patients with contact dermatitis and nursing care of them

  29. 超高效液相色谱-串联四极杆质谱联用测定面粉中呋喃西林代谢产物氨基脲的残留量

    Determination of residues of semicarbazide , one of nitrofurazone metabolites , in flour by ultra performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry

  30. 两组患者在术后第3天均用0.02%呋喃西林液膀胱冲洗。在此基础上,观察组在术后第7天加用1%盐酸普鲁卡因溶液膀胱灌注;

    At seven days after operation bladder was douched with 1 % procaine hydrochloridum for 30 minutes once a day in observation group .