
  1. A:嗨,周宁!儿童节快乐!

    A : Hi , Zhou Ning ! Happy Children 's Day !

  2. 运用SWOT分析法对周宁县休闲农业所处的内外部条件进行了较为全面的分析。

    SWOT analysis on the the Zhouning leisure agriculture in which the internal and external conditions , a more comprehensive analysis .

  3. 周宁县耕地景观格局及其影响因素分析

    Analysis of Farming Landscape Pattern and Influential Factors of Zhouning County

  4. 周宁水电站机电工程建设管理

    Project Management in Mechanical and Electric Engineering of Zhouning Hydropower Station

  5. 周宁水电站地下洞群设计及关键技术

    Design and Key Technologies of Tunnels in Zhouning Hydropower Station

  6. 周宁水电站引水道充排水试验

    Water Charging and Discharging Test of Power Tunnel of Zhouning Hydropower Station

  7. 周宁县肾综合征出血热控制效果观察

    Observation on the Effectiveness of HFRS-Control in Zhouning County

  8. 周宁水电站超高竖井取消钢衬技术的应用研究

    Study on Application of Eliminating Steel Liner in Zhouning Hydropower Station Superhigh Shaft

  9. 周宁水电站地下厂房开挖爆破地震波衰减规律的研究

    Study on redundant regulation of underground digging blasting vibration of Zhouning Hydropower Station

  10. 反井钻机在周宁水电站高竖井开挖中的应用

    Application of inverse well drill in high shaft excavation of Zhouning hydropower plant

  11. 周宁水电站水力机械设计主要特点

    The Design Characteristics of Hydro-machinery in Zhouning Hydropower Station

  12. 周宁水电站长引水隧洞施工

    Construction of Long Power Tunnel of Zhouning Hydropower Station

  13. 周宁水电站发电机中性点接地方式分析与设计

    Analysis and design of neutral earthing of the generator in Zhouning Hydropower Station

  14. 周宁大坝上游面裂缝处理

    The fissure treatment of the upstream face of the dam of Zhouning reservoir

  15. 周宁水电站地下厂房结构振动与结构形式研究

    Vibration analysis and fashion research of underground powerhouse structure of Zhouning Power Station

  16. 腔口周围浆细胞增多综合征2007年周宁县肾综合征出血热监测分析

    The surveillance analysis on hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome in Zhouning county in 2007

  17. 周宁水电站安全性评价工作

    Safety Assessment of Zhouning Hydropower Station

  18. 福建周宁水电站水压致裂地应力测量及其应用

    Research of crust stress measurement and its application with hydraulic fracturing in Zhouning Hydro-power , station of Fujian Province

  19. 周宁电站厂房区三维地应力场非线性数值拟合分析及其开挖效应研究

    Study of Three-Dimensional Geostress Field Nonlinear Numerical Fitting Analysis and Excavation Effect for the Workshop of Zhouning Hydropower Station

  20. 基于城市风貌特色为重心的总体规划&以福建省周宁县总体规划为例

    The master planning based on the Characteristics of City view & Take the master planning of Zhouning County for example

  21. 闽东方言北片包括蕉城、福安、福鼎、霞浦、寿宁、柘荣以及周宁七个县(市)。

    The north part of the Eastern Min Dialects refers to Jiaocheng , Fu'an , Xiapu , Shouning , Zherong and Zhouning .

  22. 试验表明,周宁水电站引水道设计合理,施工质量良好,结构可靠。

    The tests show that the design of power tunnels of the Zhouning Hydroelectric Project is justified with quality construction work and reliable structures .

  23. 洋尾弄,位于周宁县与政和县交界处,一个因为地处古道之交通要冲而形成的商业村落。

    Yangweinong , which located at the junction of Zhouning Country and Zhenghe Country , is a commercial village because of its unique geographic position .

  24. 周宁水电站地下厂房采用悬式发电机组,支撑结构上部受力,结构体型单薄,高水头、高转速下运行,下拆方式检修,在蜗壳外包混凝土开孔等,这些都对结构抗振不利。

    The new suspended supporting structure was used in the high water head and high rotational speed turbine unit in the underground powerhouse of Zhouning Power Station .

  25. 通过系统设计与优化,经过试运行,周宁水电站各项指标达到或超过了原设计水平,系统自动化程度与可靠性较高。

    Zhou Ning power station each index had reached or exceeded designed competence originally by optimizing , the automatic degree of the system and dependability are relatively high .

  26. 周宁水电站地下厂房及引水系统的监测项目包括围岩变形监测、锚杆应力计监测、渗透压力监测、测缝计监测。

    The monitoring project of Zhouning Hydropower station underground plant and water intake system including monitoring of the surrounding rock deformation , bolt stress , osmotic pressure and joint .

  27. 为保障机组及工程安全,周宁水电站慎重选择了水轮机的比转速,并针对高水头特性选择适宜的水轮机结构及施工方法。

    In order to guarantee the safety of unit and project , we shall select the turbine specific speed carefully and choose the right proper water turbine structure and construction method ?

  28. 该带构造形成及演化机制可较好诠释周宁&华安火山基底断隆带演化趋势。

    The formation and evolution of the structures in the fault upwarping belt were under a discussion in the paper , which can be used to explain the evolutional trend of the Zhouning Hua'an volcanic basement fault upwarping belt .

  29. 以宁德市周宁县纯池镇为例可以发现,城镇化进程与空心村的出现存在着必然的联系,农村空心化给城镇化带来诸多负面影响。

    Take Ningde City Zhouning County Chunchi Town for example , there is necessarily linked to the process of urbanization and the emergence of the " hollow villages ", rural hollowing has brought out many negative impact to urbanization .

  30. 为此,结合周宁水电站引水竖井的施工实践,对反井钻机在开挖导井施工的应用进行论述,并详细介绍其施工程序、方法及效果。

    Combined with the practice of diversion shaft construction for Zhouning hydropower plant , the application of inverse well drill in construction of pilot well is demonstrated with a detailed introduction on the procedure , method and effect of construction .