
  • 网络zhou clan
  1. 在他的经营下,周族实力越发强大,但他也因此遭到商王的囚禁,后逃脱。

    In his business , the strength of Zhou clan was more powerful , and he was imprisoned by the King of Shang Dynasty , but then he escaped .

  2. 它与《诗经》周族史诗中反映出的统治阶级文化心理存在着一定差异。

    It was something different from the zhou clan epic displaying the mental phenomena of the ruling class .

  3. 论周族史诗的文化意蕴

    On the Cultural Meanings of Epics in the Zhou Dynasty

  4. 古书与古文字中所见周族的起源与商周关系

    Zhou Nation 's Establishment and the Relation between Shang and Zhou Dynasty

  5. 此后在他的率领下,周族对商朝进行了一系列的军事征战。

    Since then , he carried out a series war against Shang Dynasty .

  6. 以周族为核心的华夏文化崛起后,华夏种族优越论和华夏正统论也由此而产生。

    Along with the emerging of the Chinese culture in which the Zhou nationality played a key role , the arguments about the superiority of the Chinese race and the Chinese orthodoxy arose .

  7. 在周族形成国家的过程中自然就产生天与帝之对抗,这种对抗主要导源于周族向商族之挑战。

    While Zhou Clan was gradually getting to the ruling position of the country , there naturally gave rise to conflicts between God and Heaven , which originated in rivalry between the two clans .

  8. 其次,是语五首周部族史诗运用语言的技巧是十分纯熟的。

    Secondly , the language of the five epics is very mature .

  9. 殷周金文族徽整理与研究

    The Research of the Armorial Inscriptions on Bronze of Yin and Zhou Dynasty

  10. 第一章主要从历代阐释周部族史诗的发展历程,从中分析历代对周部族史诗的主要研究方向和研究方法。

    Chapter 1 mainly explains the development history of Zhou tribe epic from different dynasties , from which analyse the research directions and methods of different dynasties .

  11. 本论文主要学术观点及创新点表现在以下几个方面:首先,我们对殷周金文族徽的研究状况进行了历史性的回顾,就当前的学术研究及学术趋向进行了概述;

    First of all , we review the researching history on the armorial inscriptions on bronze of Yin and Zhou dynasties , and summarize the present researching status and hotspots on this question .

  12. 史诗以直叙纪实的手法,再现了周部族发展史上的重大事件,叙述虽见简略,却也不乏情感的抒发,人物形象的塑造,再现了一幅周部族的起源创业图。

    The epic reappears the major events in the history of tribe , though the description is a little brief , there is no lack of emotional expression and figure sculpture , reappear one picture of the origin of tribal .

  13. 另一方面,又将周民族的血缘关系尽量放大,然后分散到各地,使普天之下都能流动周族的血脉,是为“同姓同宗分封”政策。

    Secondly , making the most of the Zhou groups consanguinity kin and distributed all over the nation in order to spread the lifeblood of Zhou everywhere which is called policy of " rewarding of the same surname and clan " .

  14. 在周克商之后,周采用信仰怀柔政策,令帝与天相和谐,进行了一次商族与周族之间的信仰调停。

    After Zhou Clan overthrew the government of Shang Clan , Zhou Clan adopted soft policies on religious beliefs to produce a harmony of God and Heaven so that Zhou Clan conciliated the two clans in a religious dispute .