
  1. 他向四周望去,却不见有人。

    He looked about him , but saw no one .

  2. 她朝厨房四周望了望,想找个什么东西朝它掷去。

    She looked around the kitchen for something to throw at the lion .

  3. 我很奇怪地想四周望,却看不见你。

    I was surprising to look around , but I could 't see you .

  4. 他坐起来,向四周望了望。

    He sat up and looked around .

  5. 他向四周望去,想发现一处可以过夜的地方。

    He glanced about him , to see whether he could not discover some shelter .

  6. 他们站在树旁边,向四周望着。干枯的大地上杂草丛生。

    They stood by the tree and looked about . Tumbleweeds blew across the dry ground .

  7. 另一个睡着的人醒了,翻了个身,拂走了脸上的蝴蝶,向四周望了一下。

    The other fellow awoke , rolled over , brushed away the butterfly , and looked about him .

  8. 这时候,睡在地板上的孩子翻了个身,一骨碌坐了起来害怕地向四周望了一下。

    Meanwhile the boy upon the floor began to stir , and presently sat up and looked about him with a scare .

  9. 等到她坐暖和了,她开始向四周望着,发现柜子上有些书;

    Having sat till she was warm , she began to look round , and discovered a number of books in the dresser ;

  10. 他向花园的四周望了望:石头、树木、小溪、青草、鲜花、松鼠和头上辽阔的天空。

    He looked around in the garden . Stones , trees and brooks , grasses and flowers , squirrels , and the wide sky above .

  11. 劳拉回答道:我们向四周望去,只看到跟我们一样的女性,领导着校园的每一个组织,参与每一场课堂讨论。

    Laura answered , We look around and we see only women , only people like us , leading every organization on campus , contributing to every class discussion .

  12. 因有些事情要办理,故本人想下周请假一周,望批准。

    I have to ask for leave for the next week because of some issues to handle , please approve .

  13. 且伦敦区的其他地方监测结果也接近限额,未来几周内还有望超过。

    Many other places in central London are close to the limit and can be expected to break the law within weeks .

  14. 不周之处,尚望涵容。

    We hope you will excuse us if we have been a poor host .

  15. 连续两周感到生活无望、悲伤或抑郁的23.68%;

    23.68 % of them felt hopeless , grieved or depressed for two consecutive weeks ;

  16. 周武王问太公望说:“我想用最少时间来了解用人的要领。”

    King Wu asked Tai Gong Wang : " I want to know the essence of employing men . "