
  1. 2016年里约奥运会双料冠军周霞开启东京卫冕征程,刘翠青则将参加100米、200米和400米T11级比赛。

    For Tokyo , Rio 2016 double champion Zhou Xia defends her titles , while Liu Cuiqing competes in the T11 100m , 200m and 400m .

  2. 中国名将周霞以27秒17卫冕女子200米T35级,创造了新的世界纪录,本届残奥会,周霞在女子100米、200米T35级比赛中实现双卫冕。

    In the women 's 200m T35 final , Chinese sprinter Zhou Xia backed up her 100m victory by winning gold in a world record time of 27.17 seconds .

  3. 不但周霞,而且她的父母都喜欢看足球比赛。

    Not only Zhou Xia but also her parents are fond of watching football matches .