
  1. 来自重庆工商大学影视制作专业的周颖(音译)教授说:每个人都幻想着完美的另一半,希望TA是俊男或美女。

    Everyone fancies a perfect partner , handsome or beautiful , says Zhou Ying , professor of TV production at Chongqing Technology and Business University .

  2. 人们会根据电视剧里的描写来设想韩国,这是很好的国家品牌宣传。周颖说。

    South Korea is imagined in accordance with those depictions in TV dramas , which is good national branding , says Zhou .

  3. 周颖认为,一方面韩剧带动了韩国家电、化妆品、食品和时尚用品的热销;另一方面,俊男美女们也重塑了韩国的国民形象。

    Zhou says that besides economic gains for South Korean appliances , make-up , food and fashion items , those pretty faces are re-constructing South Korea 's national image .