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  • respiratory burst
  1. 荷瘤动物放疗自由基同心圆效应与PMN呼吸爆发机制的研究

    Study on the Effect of Concentric Circles of Free Radical Injury Induced by Radiotherapy in Tumor-bearing Animals and Its Mechanism of PMN Respiratory Burst

  2. 维生素A酸诱导分化的人早幼粒白血病细胞系HL-60的呼吸爆发功能

    Respiratory burst function of the differentiating HL-60 cells induced by retinoic acid

  3. 胞外pH对中性粒细胞呼吸爆发的影响

    Effects of alterations in extracellular pH on the respiratory burst in neutrophils

  4. H2O2信息分子功能的探索&H2O2对人中性粒细胞呼吸爆发的反馈调节

    The Function of Hydrogen Peroxide as Signal Molecules & The Feedback Regulation of Hydrogen Peroxide on Respiratory Burst in Human Np

  5. 结果10J/m2He-Ne激光增强的牛中性粒细胞呼吸爆发,PTK抑制剂可以完全抑制,PLC和PKC的抑制剂只能部分抑制。

    Results The inhibitor of PTKs could completely inhibit the He-Ne laser-enhanced respiratory burst of neutrophils .

  6. He-Ne激光与丹参注射液联用对牛中性粒细胞呼吸爆发的影响

    Effects of He-Ne Laser Irradiation Combined with Salvia Miltiorrhiza Injection on the Respiratory Burst of Bovine Neutrophils

  7. 目的研究低强度He-Ne激光增强牛中性粒细胞呼吸爆发的信号转导通路。

    Objective To study signal transduction pathways involved in low intensity He-Ne laser-enhanced respiratory burst in bovine neutrophils .

  8. 用ESR研究香烟烟气对多形核白细胞呼吸爆发的影响

    Studies on the effect of gasphase of cigarette smoke on the respiratory burst of polymorphonuclear neutrophil using ESR technique

  9. 这提示,适当剂量的He-Ne激光辐照能促进PMΦ的呼吸爆发,增强依氧性吞噬杀菌作用,提高机体的细胞免疫功能。

    The results indicated that appropriate He-Ne laser irradiation may enhance the oxidative phagocytic function of peritoneal macrophages in mice .

  10. 本文主要介绍PLD在呼吸爆发、脱颗粒及花生四烯酸(AA)释放等方面的研究进展。

    This review introduces the recent advances of PLD in respiratory burst , degranulation and arachidonic acid release .

  11. 在CNS氧自由基的一个重要来源是活化胶质细胞的呼吸爆发系统。

    One abundant source of oxygen free radicals in the CNS is the respiratory burst system of activated glial cells .

  12. 方法通过吞噬、呼吸爆发、原位杂交等方法研究跨膜型和分泌型TNFα对中性粒细胞生物学功能的影响。

    Methods Effect of the two type of TNF α on the functions of neutrophils was examined by phagocytosis , respiratory burst and in situ hybridization assay .

  13. 缺铁患者中性粒细胞(PMN)呼吸爆发及有关因素的研究

    Study on the Respiratory Burst of Polymorphonuclear Leukocytes and the Related Factors in Patients with Iron Deficiency

  14. FMLP诱导的嗜中性白细胞呼吸爆发与凋亡的关系研究

    The relationship between fMLP induced neutrophil respiratory burst and the apoptosis of neutrophil

  15. 方法以MTS为受氢体检测嗜中性粒细胞受激发后产生的超氧离子,从而间接反映其呼吸爆发发生情况。

    Methods The superoxide anions produced by those neutrophils pretreated with stimulators were detected through MTS as hydrogen receptor , then the respiratory burst in the cells was calculated indirectly .

  16. 结论黄芩总黄酮对小鼠腹腔巨噬细胞吞噬功能、呼吸爆发、COX-2酶合成均有一定的抑制作用,这可能是其抗氧化、抗炎作用的部分机理。

    Conclusion : The total flavonoids has the function of depression on mice peritoneal macrophage phagocytize 、 respiratory burst and COX-2 synthesize , which could be the basis of its anti-inflammation and depression future research .

  17. 全血法组中60μg·mL-1异丙酚对FMLP和E.coli诱导的PMNL呼吸爆发活性有显著抑制作用(P<0.05)。

    In the whole blood group 60 μ g · ml-1 propofol significantly inhibited the RB activity of PMNL stimulated with FMLP or E coli ( P < 0.05 ) .

  18. 在病理环境或者组织损伤中,中性粒细胞中的NADPH氧化酶能给周围介质中的氧分子提供电子使之转变为超氧阴离子而起到杀菌作用,这种非线粒体的氧消耗过程即所谓呼吸爆发。

    Respiratory burst , production of reactive oxygen intermediates ( ROI ) by PMN NADPH oxidase , is a major mechanism of bacterial killing and , in pathologic circumstance , tissue damage .

  19. 目的观察阳离子多肽MP-1对脓毒症小鼠腹腔巨噬细胞(PMφ)呼吸爆发的影响。

    Objective To observe the influence of cationic peptide mastoparan 1 ( MP 1 ) on respiratory burst of murine peritoneal macrophages ( PM φ) stimulated by lipopolysaccharide ( LPS ) .

  20. ARA,EPA和DHA等脂肪酸是细胞膜的重要组成部分,能够影响细胞吞噬能力及呼吸爆发强度,还可以通过控制与免疫相关的酶活性而增强水生动物机体的免疫能力。

    EFA is an important component in cell membrane , can influence the cellular phagocytosis and respiratory burst strength , and increase the aquatic animals ' immune ability with regulating the enzymes relating to immune .

  21. 探索了外源性ROS(H2O2)对人中性粒细胞(Np)呼吸爆发产物O2水平的影响,结果表明外源性H2O2对Np呼吸爆发水平有反馈调节作用。

    It was explored that the effect of exogenous ROS ( H_2O_2 ) on superoxide anion produced by respiratory burst in human neutrophil , and the results shown that exogenous hydrogen peroxide have a feedback regulation on the level of respiratory burst in Np .

  22. 它们通过快速地移位到炎症部位并活化激发灭菌机制,构成了早期的固有免疫反应,其中一种方式就是快速地发生呼吸爆发,产生大量的活性氧分子(ROS)。

    They contribute to the early innate response by rapidly migrating to inflamed tissues , where their activation triggers sterilization mechanisms such as rapid production of reactive oxygen species ( ROS ) in what is called the oxidative burst .

  23. 目的:研究中药复方生脉散总皂苷及组成药物人参总皂苷、麦冬总皂苷对不同刺激剂诱发的大鼠多形核白细胞(PMN)呼吸爆发的影响。

    AIM The purpose is to study the effect of saponins in Sheng mai san , Radix Ginseng and Radix Ophiopogonis on the respiratory burst induced by different stimulants in rat polymorphonuclear leukocyte ( PMN ) .

  24. 提示PKA途径参与S-TNF-α诱导的中性粒细胞呼吸爆发的信号传导,而TM-TNF-α与之无关。

    The results above suggest that PKA pathway may be involved in the signal transduction of the S-TNF - α - induced respiratory burst , but it has nothing to do with TM-TNF - α .

  25. 两组患者均于治疗前,治疗2h,6h,12h,24h,48h和72h时,取外周静脉血采用流式细胞仪检测白细胞趋化、吞噬和氧化呼吸爆发功能。

    The peripheral blood leukocytes chemotactic , phagocytic and oxidative respiratory burst activities of both groups patients were determined with flow cytometry before therapy and at 2h , 6h , 12h , 24h , 48h and 72h following therapy .

  26. 在体外实验,Lig能清除PMA刺激PMNLs呼吸爆发产生的氧自由基并使PMNLs趋化性发生抑制,其抑制率为76%。

    In vitro , Ligustrazine could remove the oxygen free radicals caused by PMA stimulation to PMNLs and inhibit the chemotaxis ( The inhibition rate was 76 % ) .

  27. 目的:测定异丙酚对中性粒细胞(PMN)激活后活性氧生成以及细胞内游离Ca2+浓度([Ca2+]i)的影响,探讨异丙酚影响PMN呼吸爆发的内在机制。

    Objective : The effects of propofol on the production of active oxygen species and intracellular Ca 2 + ( [ Ca 2 + ] I ) in polymorphonuclear neutrophils ( PMN ) were studied to elucidate their relationship and the mechanism .

  28. 方法:以佛波酯(PMA),趋化肽(fMLP)及植物血凝素(PHA)为刺激剂激发大鼠多形核白细胞的呼吸爆发,测定鲁米诺依赖的化学发光反应。

    METHODS Luminol dependent cellular chemiluminescence ( CL ) responses were measured after rat polymorphonuclear leukocyte stimulation with three agents : phorbol myristate acetate ( PMA ), N fMet Leu Phe ( fMLP ) or phytohaemagglutinin ( PHA ) .

  29. 结论MP-1对LPS攻击的小鼠有显著的保护作用,其机制可能与MP-1对脓毒症小鼠巨噬细胞呼吸爆发的抑制作用有关。

    Conclusions MP 1 can exert significantly protective effect on the mice challenged by lethal LPS , as may relate to the inhibitive effect of MP 1 on the respiratory burst in macrophage of the septic mice .

  30. 目的:研究酪氨酸磷酸化激酶(PTK)对跨膜型〔TM-TNFα)与分泌型TNF-α(S-TNF-α)诱导中性粒细胞呼吸爆发和NO释放的影响。

    Objective : To study the effects of PTK on the respiratory burst and release of NO by neutrophils in response to transmembrane TNF - α( TM-TNF - α ) and secreted TNF - α ( S-TNF - α) .