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  1. 悲愤是由于他受到的英雄式的欢迎变成了对散乱和欺凌漠不关心的过时的形象。

    Bitterness because his hero 's welcome had turned into indifference to this dishevelled , hectoring , old-fashioned figure .

  2. 世界各国的领袖,其中包括很多神的敌人,都在尝试用强迫和欺吓手段争取更多权力。

    World leaders , many of them enemies of God , are trying to muscle and bludgeon their way to more power .

  3. 诡道攻其无备,出其不意,运用灵活的战术,快速机动和伪装欺敌来战胜敌人。

    " art of deception ", which means attacking suddenly while the enemy is not prepared , using adroit tactics , swift mobility , and deception to crush the enemy .

  4. 光电对抗技术及装备在反无人机作战中的对策探讨「诡道」攻其无备,出其不意,运用灵活的战术,快速机动和伪装欺敌来战胜敌人。

    Research on electro-optical countermeasure technology and equipment in the operation application of anti-UAV Art of Deception , which means attacking suddenly while the enemy is not prepared , using adroit tactics , swift mobility , and deception to crush the enemy .

  5. 希伯来的商业交易规范是以《圣经》为法律渊源,源自习惯法则和宗教信仰,由此倡导契约守信观念和诚实无欺的贸易规则。

    The Jewish commercial transactions law had been identified in the Hebrew Bible , originating from the customs law and religions belief , initiating the contract obligation and good faith doctrine .