
ɡū ɡū
  • coo;cluck
咕咕 [gū gū]
  • [coo] 象声词

  • 一对鸽子在窝里咕咕地叫

  • 肚子咕咕叫

  • (1) [whisper]∶低声说话;低语

  • 她没在我耳朵底下瞎咕咕

  • (2) [instigate]∶怂恿;撺掇

  • 别受人咕咕上了当

  1. 当你接近鸡蛋情况下,你听到母鸡咕咕和闲扯和空气中的熏肉和鸡蛋炒取悦香气填补。

    When you approach the egg case , you hear hens cluck and cackle and the air is filled with the pleasing aroma of bacon and eggs frying .

  2. 我饿得肚子咕咕叫了。

    I 'm so hungry my stomach 's rumbling .

  3. 一只鸽子轻柔地咕咕叫。

    A dove cooed softly .

  4. 他心情非常烦乱,嘴里咕咕哝哝地咒骂着。

    He was in a right tizzy , muttering and swearing

  5. 鸽子们低声咕咕地叫着,扑扇着翅膀飞进飞出。

    Pigeons fluttered in and out , cooing gently .

  6. 我的肚子咕咕叫。

    My stomach growled

  7. 所有的鸽子现在都在咕咕叫。

    All the doves are now cooing .

  8. 他们俩叽叽咕咕地说些什么?

    What are those two whispering to each other about ?

  9. 鸽子一边儿吃,一边儿咕咕地叫。

    The pigeon was eating and cooing at the same time .

  10. 她在叽叽咕咕地埋怨着水手,海岸上的城市,大风大雨的天气。

    She moaned and croaked over sailors , and sea-port towns , and stormy weather .

  11. 我的肚子饿得咕咕叫,得要吃点东西了。

    My stomach is growling . I gotta get something to eat .

  12. 我的肚子饿得咕咕叫,我一整天都没吃东西。

    My stomach is growling . I haven ’ t eaten all day .

  13. 鸽子在林中咕咕啼鸣

    The doves were cooing in the trees .

  14. 鸽子咕咕的叫声

    the sound of pigeons cooing

  15. 乖乖!露西?玛丽安,讲大声一点!我最讨厌小孩子说话咕咕哝哝的

    For goodness'sakes , Lucy Marian , speak up ! I can 't abide children who mumble .

  16. 我一定要到醉花林中的沉寂的树影里搜寻,在这林中,鸽子在它们住的地方咕咕地叫着,仙女的脚环在繁星满天的静夜里丁当地响着。

    I must search in the drowsy7 shade of the bakula grove , where pigeons coo in their corner , and fairies ' anklets tinkle8 in the stillness of starry9 nights .

  17. 这首歌曲在创作上,歌曲的演唱上,都有极为大胆的-惊人之举,旋律部分的歌词从头到尾不超过五个字,小鸡,母鸡,公鸡,咕咕day。

    In the creation of the song , the song of the concert , there is a very daring stunt lyric melody part from beginning to end , no more than five words , chickens , hens , rooster , cuckoo day .

  18. 走到哪里都有人在背后叽叽咕咕。

    Everywhere we go , people are whispering behind our backs .

  19. 在一片唧唧咕咕的闹语中,瘫软褪色。

    In a language of the downtown , the weak fade .

  20. 像鸽子咕咕叫,我高兴地哭泣;

    I wept for joy , like a dove I mourn ;

  21. 从校舍的屋顶上传来了几只鸽子的咕咕声。

    On the roof of the schoolhouse some pigeons were cooing .

  22. 我大声欢呼:“嘎嘎,咕咕。”

    I shouted a victory chant " ga ga-goo goo . "

  23. 马克:好吧,说得我肚子都咕咕叫了。

    Mark : Okay , enough talking . My stomach 's growling .

  24. 屋内充满了叽叽咕咕的谈话声。

    The room was full of the bubble and the squeak conversation .

  25. 饥饿时发出咕咕叫声。

    To utter a hooting cry . making hungry noises .

  26. 一只鸽子沿着屋顶大摇大摆地走,有节奏地咕咕叫。

    A pigeon strutted along the roof , cooing rhythmically .

  27. 我真不明白是什么鬼把你迷了心窍他叽叽咕咕地说。

    I don 't know what gets into you , he mutters .

  28. 他转身上楼,一边还叽叽咕咕的。

    He turned and went upstairs , muttering to himself .

  29. 一只鸽子在其中一棵榆树上咕咕叫。

    A pigeon was cooing in one of the elms .

  30. 不时有鸽子咕咕叫,但听不到别的声音。

    Pigeons sometimes cooed but there was no other noise .