
  • 网络Curry Paste;Curry Sauce;Curry;Green Curry
  1. 另一种你可以做的是用一些印度咖喱酱和鹰嘴豆。

    Another one you can do is take some Indian curry paste and chickpeas .

  2. 一个简单的泰式咖喱酱由干辣椒,葱和虾酱。

    A simple Thai curry paste consists of dried chillies , shallots and shrimp paste .

  3. 加入玉米淀粉,鱼酱,打散的鸡蛋,和芫荽叶,咖喱酱和辣椒末。

    Add the cornflour , fish sauce , beaten egg , coriander leaves , curry paste and chillies .

  4. 将椰浆放入锅中加热,然后加入红咖喱酱。

    Heat up the coconut cream in a wok for several minutes and then add the red curry paste .

  5. 赖斯是放在一个盘子,然后淋上厚厚的咖喱酱,在烤箱上。

    Rice is placed on a dish , then topped with a thick curry sauce and placed in an oven .

  6. 鸡肉:将小块鸡肉放入咖喱酱,烹调5分钟便可。

    Chicken : The small chunks of chicken filet are thrown into the curry mixture and take only five minutes to cook .

  7. 如果同时制作大量的咖喱酱并将烹调的时间适当延长,此酱汁的味道会更好。

    It will double nicely if you 're making a number of curries but you will need to extend the cooking time a bit .

  8. 首先是煮面条,然后是咖喱酱和鸡肉,再撒上香脆面,最后是作料。

    First , the boiled noodles , then the curry sauce and chicken , top with the fried noodles , and finally , the condiments .

  9. 还包括椰浆、切碎的小红辣椒、卡菲尔柠檬叶、罗望子(酸角)、椰糖、切块的鸡肉和摆在中间的红咖喱酱。

    You can also see coconut milk , sliced red chilli , kaffir lime leaves , tamarind , palm sugar , sliced chicken and red curry paste in the middle .

  10. 镬中下少许油炒香红咖喱酱,加入50毫升椰汁边煮边拌匀,加入柠檬叶,倒入馀下椰汁和100毫升水同煮沸;

    Saut ? the curry paste in a wok with some oil , add50ml coconut milk , stir until well-mixed and becomes fragrant , add lime leaves , remaining coconut milk plus100ml water , bring to a boil .

  11. 在进行了一天的繁重编程工作后,我喜欢用一个素食料包,一勺印度咖喱酱,一把小葱(不要评判我,接受就行了,它让所有东西变得好吃)和半罐鹰嘴豆。

    For a day of heavy coding , I like to use a veggie pack , a tablespoon of Indian curry paste , a handful of scallions , ( don 't judge , just accept it , they make everything better ) and a half can of chickpeas .

  12. 蘸着咖喱蛋黄酱很不错。

    They 're really good with the garlic mayonnaise .

  13. 它使整个房间都弥漫着传染性的香味,细嫩的烤鸭肉片加上红咖喱粉和椰子酱是你马上就把它吃完,别无选择。

    It fills the room with an infectious aroma , and the slices of tender roasted duck meat in a red curry and coconut sauce leaves you no choice but to clean the plate .

  14. 这样,男人们就会吃更多的清淡食品,如:沙拉、水果和蔬菜;而女人们为了满足对方,则会做一些多奶油的、更为油腻的饭菜,如,咖喱或富含意大利酱的食品。

    It leads men to eat more light meals , such as salads , fruit and vegetables , while women chose to make creamier , heavier dishes like curry or rich pasta sauces , which may please their partner .

  15. 霍伊韦尔将咖喱粉加入用火慢炖的番茄里,做出了一种咖喱味的番茄酱,然后她将这种番茄酱浇在廉价的香肠上,做出了咖喱香肠。

    Heuwer added the powder to stewed tomatoes to make a kind of curried ketchup , which she poured over sausages , a cheap national staple .