
zī xún yè
  • consulting
  1. 麦肯锡和哈佛商学院的互利最为明显——两者的关系如此密切,以至于马丁蘒楗(MartinKihn)在他有关咨询业的有争议著作《谎言屋》(HouseofLies)中发明了一个词“McHarvard”。

    The mutual benefit has been most evident between McKinsey and Harvard Business School - so entwined that writer Martin Kihn coined the term McHarvard in House of Lies , his controversial book on consulting .

  2. 虚拟企业&中国咨询业的明天

    Virtual Corporations & the Future of Consulting Industry in China

  3. 进入WTO对我国公路监理咨询业的思考

    The Study of Highway Supervision Consulting Industry after Entering into WTO

  4. 探讨加入WTO后信息咨询业的发展之路

    Probe into the Developing Road of Information Consulting Service after WTO Entry

  5. WTO背景下我国网络咨询业发展对策

    The Countermeasures for Developing Our Country 's Network Consultancy Industry on WTO Background

  6. WTO背景下的中国咨询业

    China 's Consulting Industry Facing the WTO

  7. 加入WTO后工程勘察设计咨询业应采取的对策措施

    Countermeasure in Consultation for Project Prospecting and Designing after the Access of China to WTO

  8. G1法在管理咨询业顾客满意度评价中的应用研究

    To Study on Applying of Customer Satisfaction Evaluating in Management Consulting Industry Based on G_1 Method

  9. 因此,对ERP咨询业进行分析研究有着十分重要的意义。

    Therefore , the analysis and study of ERP consultation has very important meaning .

  10. 文章分析了e时代我国网络咨询业的市场前景和新经济对网络咨询业的影响。

    This paper discusses the prospect of market about Internet Consulting and how new economy affects it at e-age in China .

  11. 论述了加入WTO我国咨询业面临的机遇,并提出了今后的发展策略。

    The paper describes the opportunities faced by our consultancy industry after China 's entry into WTO , and presents the development strategies for the future .

  12. 中国工程造价咨询业的发展趋势&建筑测量(BS)

    Development Trend of Project Cost Consultation Industry in China & Building Surveying ;

  13. 基于Wiki的咨询业发展动态分析

    Analysis on Developments of Consulting Industries Based on Wiki

  14. 2015年,咨询业连续第二年成为达特茅斯大学塔克商学院(TuckSchoolofBusinessatDartmouth)MBA学员的头号去处。

    Consulting firms hired the most MBAs at Dartmouth 's Tuck School of Business in 2015 for the second consecutive year .

  15. 20世纪90年代,随着IT技术特别是Internet技术的迅猛发展,现代管理咨询业开始形成,并飞速成长。

    During the 1990s , as the rapid development of IT technique especially of Internet technique , the modern management consulting business had been established and was growing in rapid strides internationally .

  16. 随着中国加入WTO,工程勘察设计咨询业获得了巨大的发展机遇,同时面临着严峻的挑战。

    With China 's accession to WTO , engineering survey , design and consulting industry obtained great development opportunities , in the meantime , faced severe challenges as well .

  17. 中国加入WTO及全球经济一体化的趋势,为我国设计咨询业的成长提供了契机,同时也带来挑战。

    The fact that China joint WTO and the world economy turns to be integrative has provided both opportunity and challenge for design consultation service to grow stronger in China .

  18. 工程勘察设计咨询业在工程建设中具有举足轻重的作用,加入WTO后,我国的工程勘察设计咨询业面临着巨大的挑战。

    The consultation in project prospecting and designing plays a very important role in the project construction and it is facing a great challenge after the access of China to WTO .

  19. 本文以管理咨询业的视角,指出我国企业ERP系统建设失败有技术、管理、项目实施三个方面的原因。

    Based on the management consultation 's angle of view , the paper analyzes Chinese enterprise 's ERP implementation from 3 aspects that are technology , management and project implementation .

  20. 商学院正试图通过宣传mba学位的灵活性,来消除那种认为它只对华尔街或咨询业工作有用的不实看法。

    Schools are trying to dispel the myth that an MBA is only useful for jobs on Wall Street or consulting careers , by promoting its flexibility .

  21. 剖析了加入WTO对我国房地产中介咨询业的影响,并对照服务贸易相关政策与条款,提出了我国房地产中介咨询业应采取的宏观对策

    At the same time , according to the related policies and terms of service business , the writer pur forward the macro countermeasures that our real estate agency industry on consultation should take . WTO Consultancy

  22. 中国加入WTO后,外国公司必将进入中国工程咨询业市场,我国工程咨询业的竞争将更加激烈。

    For this reason , the managerial system in China is behind the times . With China 's entry into WTO , more foreign companies will enter the Chinese consulting market and the competition is fiercer .

  23. 咨询业是典型的知识密集型服务业(KIBS)。

    Consulting industry is a typical type of knowledge intensive business service ( KIBS ) .

  24. 兑现加入WTO的承诺,我国的服务业逐渐对外资开放,工程咨询业作为工程服务行业,也对外资打开了大门,越来越多的外资企业进入中国市场提供咨询服务。

    According to our promise for WTO , the service industry will open its market to foreign companies step by step . As engineering service industry , engineering consulting has opened the door to the foreign companies .

  25. 20世纪后随着计算机及Internet技术的发展,极大地改变了人们对信息摄取地手段和方式,当代咨询业本身也在经历着剧变。

    After 20 century , the rapid development of computer and internet technology ( IT ) has greatly changed the method of people seeking information . When the great changed in the world , the management consulting industry had changes drastically at same time .

  26. 因为金融和咨询业的大部分单位都严格控制了招聘计划,为了找到一份工作,许多mba将不得不在三个方面作出妥协。

    For as the bulk recruiters from finance and consultancy rein in their plans , many MBA students will have to make compromises in three areas in order to get a job .

  27. ERP咨询业是在现代管理咨询业基础上发展起来,并伴随ERP的兴起和繁荣而日益成长的新兴产业,它对企业ERP系统的成功实施具有举足轻重的重要作用。

    ERP consultation develops on the basis of modern management consultation , and grows up day by day with the rise and boom of ERP . It has very important function on the success of ERP systems .

  28. 根据WTO《服务贸易总协定》的规定,入世后,外资工程造价咨询业将在五年内获得在中国境内成立独资公司从事工程造价咨询业务的权利。

    According to the rules of WTO Service and Trade General Agreement , foreign capital project cost consultation industry will achieve the rights of establishing sole investment company to carry out project cost consultation activities within five years after joining WTO .

  29. 代表英国70%咨询业的英国管理咨询协会(MCA)表示,去年公共部门业务出现剧减。

    The Management Consultancies Association , which represents 70 per cent of the industry in the UK , says public sector work dropped sharply last year .

  30. 同时,依据我国对入世的承诺,加入WTO后五年内外资工程造价咨询业将获得在中国境内成立独资公司从事工程造价咨询业务的权利。

    Meanwhile , according to our promise to the WTO , foreign capital project cost consultation service industry will achieve the right of establishing sole capital company to carry on engineering cost consultation practice within five years after China 's joining into WTO .