
yǎo zhǐ jiɑ
  • Biting nails;nail-bitting
  1. 她咬指甲都咬到了活肉。

    She has bitten her nails down to the quick .

  2. 别咬指甲了!

    Stop biting your nails !

  3. 别咬指甲!

    Stop biting your nails !

  4. 两姐妹都像小孩儿一样咬指甲。

    Both sisters bit their nails as children

  5. 斯蒂芬库里和我谈起了他的诸多怪癖:牙套,咬指甲,“Lockin!”推特,赛前的冲刺跑以及许许多多的不为人知的“秘密”。

    Steph Curry , on his many quirks , in his own words : The mouthpiece , the fingernail-chewing , the " Lock in ! " Tweet , the sprint to the rim before tip-off and more ......

  6. 第一次浏览文献就发现了过度咬指甲的医学术语:咬甲癖(onychophagia)。

    My first dip into the literature shows up the medical name for excessive nail biting : ' onychophagia ' .

  7. 没准我该跟他谈谈我咬指甲的习惯。

    Maybe I can talk to him about my nail-biting issue .

  8. 对其他A型人格患者来说,这种习惯性动作也可能是咬指甲或者磨牙。

    For others , it 's nail biting or teeth grinding .

  9. 她有下意识咬指甲的习惯。

    She has the unconscious habit of biting her fingernails .

  10. 我有个紧张时咬指甲的习惯。

    I have a nervous habit of biting my nails .

  11. 他毕生一直有一种神经质地咬指甲的习惯。

    He has had a lifelong nervous habit of biting his nails .

  12. 她咬指甲(一直)咬到肉。

    She has bitten her nails ( down ) to the quick .

  13. 不过我照了一些很棒的你咬指甲的照片。

    But I got some great shots of you biting your nails .

  14. 他有咬指甲的讨厌习惯。

    He has the irritating habit of biting his nails .

  15. 这个简单的办法纠正了我咬指甲的毛病。

    This simple solution cured me of biting my nails .

  16. 这样你就不会再咬指甲了。

    And that 's how you stop biting your nails ..

  17. 他们都爱(或曾经都爱)咬指甲。

    We all are ( or were ) nail biters .

  18. 当然,心理学家在咬指甲方面有许多理论。

    Psychotherapists have had some theories about nail biting , of course .

  19. 咬指甲通常是紧张时的下意识反应。

    Nail biting is often a subconscious reaction to tension .

  20. 他咬指甲咬到了肉根。

    He 's bitten his nails to the quick .

  21. 她那咬指甲的习惯使我很生气。

    Her habit of biting her nails irritates me .

  22. 我们必须纠正这孩子咬指甲的习惯。

    We must break the child off his habit of biting his nails .

  23. 刚擦屁股的人不应该咬指甲。

    Man who scratches ass should not bite fingernails .

  24. 你什么时候看见我咬指甲的

    When did you see me chew my fingernails ?

  25. 你不准那样咬指甲。

    You 're not tobite your nails like that .

  26. 谢谢收看本期“放弃咬指甲”教程,我们下期节目再见。

    Thanks for watching video How To Stop Nail Biting

  27. 我自己最严重的一个是咬指甲。

    One of my worst is my nail biting .

  28. 问:一个比较奇怪的学惯——你会在替补席上咬指甲吗?

    Q : A weird one-do you file your nails on the bench sometimes ?

  29. 我怎样才能阻止我的儿子整天咬指甲?

    How can I stop my son gnawing at his fingernails all day long ?

  30. 是的,我在写这篇专栏的时候确实咬指甲了。

    And , yes , I did bite my nails while writing this column .