
  • 网络cough
  1. 咳嗽病病性主要是正虚与邪实并见。

    Cough disease is mainly is the virtual real . 3 .

  2. 咳嗽病治法主要是治肺祛痰。

    Cough expectorant main treatment method is Zhifei . 4 .

  3. 这会儿在流行咳嗽病和感冒。

    There are lots of coughs and colds going around at the moment .

  4. 咳嗽病没有离开她,并且她还盗汗。

    Her cough did not leave her , and she had sweats on her back .

  5. 咳嗽病以经常性咳嗽为特点的病。

    An illness marked by frequent coughing .

  6. 慢性阻塞性肺病也不是抽烟者所患的一种咳嗽病,它实际是一种诊断不足、威胁生命的肺病。

    It is not a simple smoker 's cough , but an under-diagnosed , life threatening lung disease .

  7. 慢性阻塞性肺病不仅仅是“抽烟者所患的一种咳嗽病”,到2030年将成为引起死亡的第三大病因。

    Much more than a " smoker 's cough ," it will become the third leading cause of death by2030 .

  8. 冬天赶车怎么样?她问杰利。波莉去年很担心你的咳嗽病。

    ' How do you like cab work in the winter ? 'she asked Jerry . 'Polly was worried about your cough last year . '

  9. 当附近有受感染并且咳嗽的病患时,这种病毒可能会通过呼吸同样的空气而传播。

    The virus can be spread by breathing the same air as an infected and coughing person in proximity .

  10. 慢性咳嗽的病位主要在肺、肝、表、心神、胃。病性主要有痰、火(热)、气滞、湿、寒、阴虚、气虚。

    The primary syndrome elements of the disease location in chronic cough were lung , liver , exterior , heart-spirit , and stomach ; The main syndrome elements of disease nature were phlegm , heat , qi stagnation , dampness , cold , yin asthenia and qi asthenia .

  11. 目的探讨卡托普利诱发咳嗽的高血压病患者血浆和尿中血栓素B2(TXB2)、6酮前列腺素F1α(6-keto-PGF1α)水平的变化。

    Objective To observe the changes of plasma and urinary excretion of 11-dehydro-thromboxane-B_2 ( TXB_2 ) and 6-keto-prostaglandin F_ ( 1 α)( 6-keto-PGF_ ( 1 α)) in patients with essential hypertension who were treated with captopril .

  12. 感染后咳嗽中少阳病咳嗽占为最多。

    Post-infectious cough infects most of the " Shaoyang " cough disease .

  13. 慢性咳嗽属于临床常见病,以咳嗽症状迁延不愈为特征,因为长期得不到有效治疗,令病人苦不堪言,严重地影响病人的正常工作和生活,增加了许多不必要的经济负担和资源浪费。

    The chronic cough is a very common clinical disease which features as a protracted course of disease . Due to the ineffective cure of this sickness , the patient suffers a lot and their normal work was severely interfered .

  14. 方法:1.文献研究:系统复习整理古今文献,并对近十年咳嗽的相关文献进行统计学分析,了解咳嗽名称、病因病机、病位、证型分布特点与研究进展。

    Literature research : To systems review literature existed in the past and recent years and statistically analyze the cough-related documents in the past decade , to recognize the denotation , etiological factors , pathogenesis , syndromes distributions and research progression of cough .

  15. 但可以咳嗽这一主症作为轴心来归类肺系病变,称为咳嗽病类。

    But it could be called as cough species according to using the primary symptom cough as a core to classify lung diseases .

  16. 咳嗽的病因主要分为外感和内伤两类,慢性咳嗽的病因亦分为这两类,而病因内伤居多,可主要按照内伤咳嗽的病因病性来治疗。

    The main cause of cough is divided into two categories exogenous and internal injuries , the cause of chronic cough is also divided into two categories , but most cause internal injuries , internal injuries in accordance with the main cause of the cough to the treatment of disease .