
  • 网络salt water intrusion;saltwater intrusion;salinity intrusion
  1. 潍河下游平原咸水入侵监测研究

    A Study on Dynamic Monitoring of Saltwater Intrusion on Lower Reaches of Weihe River

  2. 地下水回灌补源防治咸水入侵技术研究&以山东省广绕县为例

    Technology of groundwater recharge against saltwater intrusion : a case study on Guangrao County , Shandong Province

  3. 经初步研究从1980~1993年,该县深层地下水咸淡水界面下移了10~20m,咸水入侵范围遍及全县,深层地下水矿化度平均升高0.3g/L。

    So the groundwater level drops down . From 1980 to 1993 the interface between the salty and fresh water falls about 10 ~ 20 meters , and the quality of deep groundwater has been changed .

  4. 咸水入侵趋势预测的非确定模型研究

    Undetermined model study for the tendency prediction of salt water intrusion

  5. 咸水入侵数学模型在城市供水中的应用

    Mathematical Model of Salt-Water Intrusion and Its Application in City Water Supply

  6. 上海市海、咸水入侵地下水的调查及对策

    A Survey of Seawater or Salt Water Infiltration into Groundwater in Shanghai

  7. 莱州湾南岸海咸水入侵的原因分析及防治对策

    Cause and prevention countermeasures on the sea-salted water invasion in Laizhou Bay

  8. 黄河三角洲浅层地下水三维数值模型与咸水入侵分析预测

    3-D Numerical Model for Groundwater and Analysis on Salt Water Intrusion in Yellow River Delta

  9. 晚更新世以来潍河古河道沉积及其对现代咸水入侵的控制

    Sedimentary Characteristics of Weihe Palaeochannel Since Late Pleistocene and Their Control to Modern Salt-Water Intrusion

  10. 海、咸水入侵等等。

    Seawater and salt water intruded .

  11. 第二,由于水敏性的存在,使得防止咸水入侵有了新的方法和思路。

    Secondly , the existence of water sensitivity presents new methods to prevent saline water intrusion .

  12. 珠三角咸水入侵变化趋势及其动力因素影响分析

    The Evolution Trend of Salinity Intrusion and Analysis of Its Dynamic Factors in Pearl River Delta

  13. 莱州湾南岸咸水入侵影响区土地利用变化及其生态效应研究

    The Research of Land Ues Change and Its Ecological Effect in Southern Coastal Saltwater-intruded Area of Lai-zhou Bay

  14. 莱州湾南岸咸水入侵区晚更新世以来的古环境演变

    The accumulation records of environmental evolution on the salt-water intruded area south of Laizhou Bay since late Pleistocene

  15. 潍河下游地区海咸水入侵动态三维数值模拟分析

    Three-dimensional numerical simulation and analysis of sea-salt water intrusion dynamic system in the lower reaches of Weihe River

  16. 莱州湾南岸咸水入侵区生态环境分区与生态恢复研究

    A study on the ecological restoration and environmental adjustment in southern coastal saltwater ˉ intruded area of Laizhou Bay

  17. 潍坊市北部沿海地区海咸水入侵灾害及防治对策

    Hazards of Sea ( salty ) Water Intrusion and Prevention Countermeasures in the Northern Coastal Areas of Weifang City

  18. 莱州湾南岸滨海平原沉积环境变化与咸水入侵关系研究

    The Relation Research of the Sedimentary Environmental Transformation and Saline Water Encroachment in Laizhou Bay South Sea Shore Plain

  19. 莱州湾南岸潍河下游地区咸水入侵灾害成因及特征

    Origin and characteristics of salt-water intrusion disaster in the downstream of Weihe River on the south coast of Laizhou Bay

  20. 黄浦江是上海人民生活和生产的主要水源,咸水入侵会影响黄浦江水质,给上海带来很大的危害。

    Huangpu River is the main water source in Shanghai . The salt water intrusion has brought about severe consequence .

  21. 东线南水北调工程对长江口咸水入侵影响及对策

    Impact of South-North Water transfer ( east route ) on saltwater intrusion in the Changjiang Estuary with consideration of its Countermeasures

  22. 本文介绍瓯江咸水入侵,江水含氯度变化的一维数学模型以及它在温州市供水中的应用,如江水含氯度的长、短期预报;为研究供水方案时,选择合理取水口位置等提供科学依据;

    This paper presents an one-dimension mathematical model of salt-water intrusion and its application in water supply project of Wenzhou City .

  23. 沉积环境变化是咸水入侵产生的背景因素,现代环境变化是咸水入侵产生的主导及驱动因素。

    The sediment environmental transformation is the setting factor of saline water encroachment , and the modern environmental change is the spring factor .

  24. 莱州湾滨海平原咸水入侵分析与趋势预测&以山东省广饶县为例

    Analysis and Trend Forecast of Salt Water Intrusion in Coastal Plain of Laizhou Bay & A Case Study at Guangrao County of Shandong Province

  25. 滨海平原咸水入侵动态监测网构建研究&以潍河下游地区为例

    Study on constitution of dynamic monitoring network for saltwater intrusion into seashore plain : taking the lower reaches of the Weihe River as an example

  26. 本文对衡水市地面沉降、地裂缝及咸水入侵等灾害的分布特征及危害作了较系统地阐述,分析产生这些灾害的主要原因为超量开采深层地下水。

    The main reason which forms the land subsidence , the land crack and the salty water intrusion in this area is over exploitation to the groundwater .

  27. 其中,既有自然环境条件下形成的岩溶特征,又有人类活动的地质效应&海咸水入侵的影响和改造。

    There are not only karst features under the natural conditions but also geological affection of human activity , that is influence and changes of sea salt water intrusion .

  28. 目前,海咸水入侵对滨海岩溶系统的影响和改造正在加剧,并将逐渐成为主导因素。

    At present , the sea salt water 's influence and changes to littoral karst system are gradually intensified and they are becoming the main factor day after day .

  29. 因不合理开发利用,出现了浅层地下水超采漏斗、咸水入侵、土壤盐碱化及地下水污染等水环境问题。

    Due to unreasonable exploitation and utilization , some environmental problems occurred in this area , such as over-mining funnels , salt water intrusion , soil salinization and underground pollution .

  30. 据调查,上海市几乎不存在海、咸水入侵地下水的危害。文末提出3点预防对策。

    According to the survey , there is so far almost no infiltration hazard of seawater or underground salt water into freshwater aquifers . Finally , 3 points of preventive measures are proposed .