
  • 网络branding;Promotion;Brand promotion
  1. 实施全方位的IMC品牌推广等策略。

    Practice of the strategy of IMC brand promotion .

  2. 直复营销在JohnnieWalker品牌推广中的应用研究

    Direct Marketing Research in Johnnie Walker Brand Promotion in China

  3. 各地的公司确定园址后进行主题公园的修建,而我们将负责品牌推广工作。

    Local companies find the sites and build the theme parks , while we will look after the branding .

  4. 你的朋友是不收报酬的品牌推广热心人吗?

    Is your friend an unpaid6 branding enthusiast7 ? '

  5. 此外,伊丽莎白已经建立了许多可持续发展的品牌推广计划,包括选择海地以及今年秋季推出的MaidenNation。

    Additionally , Elizabeth has founded many sustainable branding initiatives including Choose Haiti and launched this Fall , Maiden Nation .

  6. 多亏了EclipseV3.1的新ProductionConfiguration功能,现在您可以轻松将其应用程序与依赖项和品牌推广元素轻松地打包在一起了。

    Thanks to Eclipse V3.1 's new Production Configuration feature , you can now wrap their applications with dependencies and branding elements easily .

  7. 第六,借鉴NBA、F1等国际赛事品牌推广经验,拓宽与电视媒体的合作方式。

    Learning from the NBA , F1 , and other international events branding experience , expand the cooperation forms with television media . 7 .

  8. 例如,英国航空公司(britishairways)最近推出“aviators”品牌推广活动,但活动的阵地不在电影院,而在facebook。

    British Airways , for example , began its recent " aviators " brand advertising campaign , not in the cinemas , but on Facebook .

  9. 第二章,以实证资料展示了Q镇三华李生产的五大服务体系:生产资料供给体系、技术指导服务体系、产品销售服务体系、林地产权保护体系、品牌推广服务体系。

    The second chapter based on the materials presents the five local service systems : capital goods supplying system , technique guidance system , production distribution system , property service system and brand promotion system .

  10. 随着电视广告市场的内爆(implodes),市场营销官们转而投向网络进行品牌推广活动。

    As television implodes , marketing chiefs are turning to the Net to create branding initiatives .

  11. 我就是这样发现了“MysteryGoogle”。它上线于2009年,在不到一年时间里重新做了品牌推广,更名为“MysterySeeker”,现在也还叫这个名字。

    That 's how I first found my way to Mystery Google , a site that within a year of its introduction in 2009 rebranded itself as Mystery Seeker , the name under which it still operates .

  12. 奥美品牌推广部门奥美行动(OgilvyAction)的策略主管迈克•尼科尔森(MikeNicholson)承认,他上次尝试计算机编程还是在上世纪80年代初上学的时候。

    Mike Nicholson , head of strategy at OgilvyAction , the company 's branding agency , admits that he had not tried to program a computer since his school days in the early 1980s .

  13. 麦当劳在食品营养价值方面依旧面临压力,因此,这种微妙的品牌推广有助于实现它海外扩张的期望。而且,与Visa公司一样,这则广告会让人们回想起麦当劳“2005年健康生活”的广告。

    The subtle branding plays into the company 's desire to expand overseas and , as with Visa , is reminiscent of McDonalds ' 2005 Healthy Living campaign , as it continues to face pressure about the nutritional benefits of its food .

  14. 本文希望通过借助SNS挖掘进口葡萄酒深厚的文化底蕴和关系推广诉求,以解决进口葡萄酒传统营销策略中忽视品牌推广、忽略文化传播的问题。

    This paper aims to dig imported wines rich cultural heritage and promote relations demands by means of SNS , in order to solve the imports wine problem in the traditional marketing strategies that ignores branding and cultural transmission .

  15. Archetypes是ArchetypeMe的母公司,旗下还拥有一些出版、制造和品牌推广公司,现在这家公司已经募集了1900万美元的资金。

    Archetypes , which is the parent company of archetypeme as well as publishing , productions , and branding companies , has raised $ 19 million in funding .

  16. 几个月前,HBO和Imax开始讨论放映《权力的游戏》,他们确信,这部电视剧制作精良,拥有庞大的粉丝群,又有许多品牌推广机会,所以值得尝试在影院上映。

    HBO and Imax started talking about screening Game of Thrones several months ago , convinced that the high production quality of the series , the demographic of the fan base and the branding opportunities made it a worthy experiment .

  17. 现代统计方法的应用,使得本文采用的营销决策优化选择具有充分的科学依据和精确性,由此提出了DA公司需要加强品牌推广、丰富营销手段的建议,并具体提出了相应的优化策略。

    The application of modern statistical methods , making marketing decisions adopted in this paper to optimize the choice of adequate scientific basis and accuracy , the question arises DA need to strengthen the branding , the recommendations of the rich marketing tool , and specifies the corresponding optimization strategy .

  18. 民族文化类电视栏目的形象包装和品牌推广策略

    Image Decoration and Brand Promotion in the National-Culture-Focused TV Programs

  19. 文化差异对于品牌推广和互动营销有着怎样的影响和机遇?

    What 's influence of differences on brand promotion and digital marketing ?

  20. 品牌推广在体育文化中的实施策略分析

    Analysis of the Implementation Strategy about Branding in Sports Culture

  21. 品牌推广动态选址问题及其混合算法研究

    Research on Dynamic Brand Promoting Location Problem and Its Algorithm

  22. 谭旭光说,他已决定把品牌推广和设计工作留给意大利人去做。

    Mr. Tan said he has left branding and design to the Italians .

  23. 学术推广和品牌推广将成为未来药品促销的主要形式;

    Academic promotion and branding will become the major forms of pharmaceutical marketing .

  24. 它有助于品牌推广,提升投资回报率或两者兼而有之。

    it helps support branding , ROI or both .

  25. 数字文化的商品化也引发了更明显的公司品牌推广。

    The commodification of digital culture has engendered more explicit corporate branding , too .

  26. 以消费主体为导向的品牌推广&从青年消费心理看凌志在美国的品牌推广

    Brand Spread Guided by Main Body of Consumption

  27. 信息商品品牌推广初探

    Preliminary Exploration of Popularizing Information Commodity 's Brand

  28. 通过这次的活动,使我们的公司品牌推广世界。

    We would like to promote our brand to the world through this compain .

  29. 该公司还在规划约20年来的首次品牌推广活动。

    It also is planning its first brand marketing campaign in about two decades .

  30. 终端系统设计与品牌推广研究

    Terminal System Design and Brand Promotion Research