
  • 网络brand quality
  1. 房地产开发规划设计品牌质量管理

    Development , Planning , Design & Brand Quality Manage-ment of Real Estate

  2. 浅谈物业管理品牌质量

    Discussion on Brand Quality of Estate Management

  3. 提高品牌质量形象的方法

    Ways to Upgrade Quality Image of Brands

  4. 品牌质量与定位&决定管理和服务方式

    Quality and orientation of the brand

  5. 与以前研究结论不同的是,母品牌质量和母品牌可信度对高科技品牌延伸成功是必要但非充分条件。

    The difference is that parent brand quality and credibility are necessary condition but not sufficient condition .

  6. 品牌质量是品牌取得高经济效益的保证,质量直接影响品牌及品牌形象。

    Brand quality is assurance of obtaining high economic performance , which directly influences brand itself and brand images .

  7. 分析了物业管理品牌质量的特点、作用及价值战略。

    This paper mainly concerns itself with the analysis of the characteristics , functions and value strategy of brand quality in the estate management .

  8. 品牌质量管理包括产品内在质量管理、外在设计形象质量管理、服务质量管理和费者对产品的主观感受。

    Brand quality management includes internal quality management of products and external image design management , service quality management and subjective feeling of consumers toward the products .

  9. 与以前结论不同之处在于,母品牌质量对延伸成功的积极影响不显著,甚至出现了母品牌可信度对延伸成功存在消极影响的结论。

    The differences lie in the conclusions that parent brand quality has no distinct and positive to brand extension success , even parent brand credibility has negative effect .

  10. 基于食品产业的特点,食品安全乃是其产业的生命线,论文就食品安全问题设计了品牌质量管理体系。

    Based on the features of food industry , safety really plays a very important role , so the paper focuses on the design of Brand quality management system .

  11. 文章详细介绍了规划设计在房地产开发中的地位,以及打造房地产开发项目品牌质量的具体措施。

    The article gives a detailed introduction on the roles of planning and design in real estate development and also the specific measures of establishing a brand quality for real estate development projects .

  12. 人们对消费质量的要求也在不断提高,更加追求快餐的品牌质量、品位特色、卫生安全、营养健康和简便快捷。

    The quality of people 's consumption requirements are increasing , more the pursuit of brand quality , taste characteristics , health and safety , nutrition , health , and quick and easy .

  13. 感知母品牌质量、匹配度和消费者创新性与服务品牌延伸消费者评价正向相关,感知延伸品风险与服务品牌延伸消费者评价负向相关。

    Perceived quality of parent brand , fit and consumers innovative are positively related to service brand extension evaluation . Perceived risk of extending product / service and service brand extension consumer evaluation are negatively correlated .

  14. 延伸契合度对母品牌质量与延伸品牌信任的关系起调节作用,并且消费者对高契合度高母品牌质量的延伸品牌信任较高。

    Perceived fit moderates the relationship between parent brand quality and the extension brand trust , when a high - quality parent brand with a high-fit extension product present , consumer would show higher trust on the extension product .

  15. 指出,物业管理企业要创品牌质量,必须做到6点:科学的管理、优质的服务、高素质的人才、一流的业绩、独特的企业文化和良好的社会形象。

    Then it is presented that in order to create brand quality it is necessary for estate management enterprises to realize the following 6 points , which include scientific management , excellent services , high-quality talented persons , first-class achievements , unique enterprise culture and good social image .

  16. 世界各地的合作伙伴现在可以访问Evak品牌在质量,创新和设计是一致的。

    Partners around the world can now have access to the Evak brand which is consistent in quality , innovation and design .

  17. 本研究使用中国消费者&品牌关系质量(CBRQ)量表,从高低两种关系水平情境检验并解释了中外企业品牌资产的差异,识别了国产品牌的局部优势。

    Using CBRQ scale , the author explains the differences of brand equity between local brands and foreign brands under two relationship situations high-relationship level and low-relationship level , and identifies the partial advantage of the local brands .

  18. 第二:微博互动通过互动效用间接影响品牌关系质量。

    Secondly : interactive weibo by utility indirect influence brand relationship quality .

  19. 品牌:质量与服务齐头并进,树立产品、企业形象。

    Brand : co-front-runner quality and service . Establishing product , enterprise image .

  20. 品牌的质量承诺功能实现的创新策略

    New strategies to Realize Brands ' Quality Guarantee Function

  21. 品牌感知质量对店铺印象的影响研究

    A Study on the Impact of Perceived Quality of Private Brand on Store Image

  22. 店铺形象、自有品牌感知质量对零售商权益的影响研究

    The Impact of Store Image and Perceived Quality of Store Brand on Retailer Equity

  23. 品牌关系质量本土化模型的建立与验证

    Brand Relationship Quality : The Establishment and Validation of an Indigenous Model in China

  24. 零售商自有品牌感知质量的居中性&基于线索诊断理论的研究

    The Middle Position of Store Brand 's Perceived Quality : An Extrinsic Intuitive Cue Diagnosis Framework

  25. 在未来的发展中,如何有效选择自身的发展道路,是联想品牌电脑质量管理工作面临的重要问题。

    How to approach the right way in quality management is important to Lenovo computer in the future .

  26. 品牌的质量认证

    Quality Certification for BRAND

  27. 主要元器件选用符合欧美认证的国际品牌,质量一流;

    The main primary device selects conforms to the international brand which Europe and America authenticates , the quality first-class ;

  28. 因此,从中国本土社会心理出发建立消费者&品牌关系质量概念模型,并通过实证研究发展测量量表,具有很大的理论和应用价值。

    This article presents an empirical study which develops and validates a measurement model of consumer-brand relationship quality based upon Chinese indigenous social-psychology .

  29. 以北京协和医院的历史经验为例,论述了医院如何保证质量和形成品牌,质量、品牌和文化的密切关系。

    Based on the historical experience of Peking Union Medical College Hospital , relations of quality grantee , brand formation and culture were analyzed .

  30. 因此,探寻品牌营销质量的影响因素,了解品牌的优劣势,改进品牌营销中存在的不足,提升品牌营销质量就成为服装企业亟待解决的问题。

    Therefore , the analysis of brand marketing factors and improvement of brand marketing quality have become an urgent problem for garment enterprises to resolve .