
  • 网络Huffman coding;Huffman;Huffman encoding;Huffman Code
  1. 哈夫曼编码是哈夫曼树的一个应用。哈夫曼编码应用广泛,如JPEG中就应用了哈夫曼编码。

    Huffman coding is widely used , such as JPEG in the application of the Huffman coding .

  2. 可见,动态哈夫曼编码在Symbian平台上具体广泛和良好的适用性。

    Obviously , dynamic Huffman coding has good applicability and can be used on Symbian platform widely .

  3. 用C实现完整的哈夫曼编码系统

    An Integrated Huffman Code System

  4. 其次,介绍了MP3音频压缩标准所使用的子带编码、心里声学模型、自适应窗口切换、哈夫曼编码、比特池等关键技术。

    Secondly , introduces MP3 audio compress standard including subband filter bank , psychoacoustic model , adaptive window switch over , Huffman coding , bit reservior , etc.

  5. 本文给出了用PASCAL语言实现其过程的程序,以便于哈夫曼编码的推广和应用;

    The authors give the program in which the process is created by using PASCALL language , so as to popularize and use Huffman encoding .

  6. 本文给出一个在微型计算机上实现的C语言嵌入式数据压缩器C-DC的设计方法,采用移动词典压缩+哈夫曼编码压缩。

    This paper introduces the design approach to a nested C language data compressor which is implemented on microcomputer . It uses shifting dictionary compression and Huffman coding compression .

  7. 由于背景不变,本文采用DPCM(差分脉冲编码调制)结合DCT变换、RLC编码和哈夫曼编码图像压缩算法,并取得良好的效果。

    For the background is unchangeable , this paper adopts DCT commutation with DPCM , RLC coding , and Huffman 's coding arithmetic of image compressing , and gets favorable effect .

  8. 设计了一种应用于无线家庭安防系统的低功耗编码方法,采用哈夫曼编码降低帧数据编码的位数,位码编码采用脉冲宽度编码调制方式,采用CRC码对帧数据进行校验;

    A method of low power encoding is designed for the wireless family defence system . Huffman encoding is adopted to reduce the number of bit in the frame . Pulse width encoding is adopted as bit encoding .

  9. 哈夫曼编码是JPEG编码的一个重要的组成,他广泛用于各种多媒体设备中。本文通过一个简单的哈夫曼编码器IP核的设计,研究和实现了基于FPGA的多媒体压缩技术

    Huffman coding is an important part of JPEG coder , it is used in the all kinds of multimedia devices In this paper , we study and realize the multimedia compress technology base on the FPGA by a simple design of Huffman coder ′ s IP core

  10. 实验结果显示本方法的压缩比高于游程编码、哈夫曼编码,较LZ77编码也有一定优势。

    Results from experiments show that the algorithm in discussion has a better compression ratio than RLE coding , Huffman coding and LZ77 .

  11. 为了验证Hilbert扫描在图像无损压缩中的有效性,利用Hilbert扫描对医疗图像像素的位置进行置换,分别用哈夫曼编码、游程编码、LZW编码和算术编码对经过Hilbert扫描处理后的数据进行压缩。

    For testing the effect of Hilbert scanning to images compression , the pixels in medical images have been rearranged using Hilbert scanning , and we implement four lossless encoding schemes , Huffman coding , Run-Length encoding , lZW coding and Arithmetic coding , along with Hilbert scanning order .

  12. 利用优化哈夫曼编码进行数据压缩的探索

    Research of Data Compression with the Optimized Huffman Coding Algorithm

  13. 优化哈夫曼编码数据压缩技术及程序实现

    Optimization of Hoffman Coding Data Compress Technique and Implementation of Its Program

  14. 哈夫曼编码的一种基于树型模式匹配的改进型算法

    Improved Algorithm of Huffman Coding Based on Tree Pattern Matching

  15. 哈夫曼编码的实现与自适应模型的探讨

    The Fulfillment of Huffman Encoding and the Approach to the Self - adapting Model

  16. 信息的压缩处理技术&哈夫曼编码

    Compressive Processing Technology for Information & Huffman Encoding

  17. 多元哈夫曼编码在加密技术中的应用

    Application of Multiple Huffman Coding in Encryption

  18. 一种基于自顶向下的哈夫曼编码方法

    Huffman Coding Based on a Top-Down Approach

  19. 在哈夫曼编码的基础上进行解码,就可以还原压缩的数据。

    In the Huffman coding based on the decoding , you can restore the compressed data .

  20. 哈夫曼编码的另一种实现算法

    Another Algorithm of Huffman Coding

  21. 哈夫曼编码的实现采用并行查表的方式,提高编码的速度。

    Huffman coding implementation uses a parallel look-up table manner , increase the speed of the encoding .

  22. 传统的哈夫曼编码需要构建哈夫曼树方可生成,同时要保留原始的哈夫曼树供译码时参照恢复原信息。

    The Huffman tree must be built in traditional Huffman coding and the tree must be saved for decoding .

  23. 本文通过介绍常见的图像压缩技术&哈夫曼编码和分形编码,提出了一些改进的方法。

    This paper first introduces the common image compression technology-Huffman coding and fractal coding , and then proposes some improvements .

  24. 一种从顶部到腰后部的向上手法。一种基于自顶向下的哈夫曼编码方法

    An upward stroke from the tip to the heel of the bow . Huffman Coding Based on a Top-Down Approach

  25. 本文着重介绍了哈夫曼编码、预测编码、小波分析、分形压缩四种图像压缩编码在陶瓷中的应用。

    The paper focus on introducing the application of Huffman coding , PredictiveCoding , Wavelet analysis and Fractal compression in ceramics .

  26. 在此基础上又应用了自适应哈夫曼编码,进一步降低了编码的位率。

    This thesis try to deal with the low rate with high quality speech coding by employing matching pursuit based on sinusoid modeling .

  27. 分析了小波分解原理及图像编码技术,提出了在小波变换的低频子带直接采用哈夫曼编码;

    The paper analyzes the wavelet resolving principle and image encoding technique and puts forward the adoption of Huffman-encoding on low-frequency of wavelet transformation .

  28. 有些问题确实用到了树的结构,但在它的名称中并没有表示出来,比如哈夫曼编码。

    Sometimes trees may be used in a problem whose name gives no indication that trees are involved , as in the Huffman code .

  29. 其实验结果与哈夫曼编码做了比较,经过分析,此编码方法在灰度级概率均匀分布时具有优势。

    Experimental results were compared with Huffman code , and through analyzing , this code method has advantage when probability of gray scale is distributed equally .

  30. 在计算机信息处理中,“哈夫曼编码”是一种一致性编码法(又称“熵编码法”),用于数据的无损耗压缩。

    In the computer information processing ," Huffman coding " is a consistent coding method ( also known as " entropy coding method ") for lossless data compression .